Chapter 16:

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When the morning had arrived, Marinette's cold was gone. She guessed it was one of those twenty-four-hour colds and was glad it had disappeared. She prepared herself for the school day ahead. The end of the school term was nearing and the Christmas holidays would be coming up. A loud thud was suddenly heard outside. She rushed over and peered down from her balcony. Chat Noir? She thought. What was he doing down there causing so much trouble? Quickly, she picked up her phone and called Adrien.

"Hello? Marinette?" He asked.

"Where are you?" She asked back.

"At home, why?" He responded.

"There is a Chat Noir causing chaos near my house. If it's not you.." She trailed off.

"It must be Copy Cat!" They said in sync.

"I'll be there in a minute!" He hung up.

Quickly, Marinette transformed. She knew about the crush this Chat Noir had on her so she thought of a plan to act like he was the real Chat Noir and as if she hadn't noticed. Leaping out of her window, she swung around a lampost and landed gracefully onto the ground.

"Chat Noir!" She yelled to the copy cat.

"Uh, L-ladybug," Copycat stuttered.

Out of the blue, the real Chat Noir pounced into the scene.

"Copycat!" He yelled.

Well, Ladybug's plan failed. Both the cats grabbed their batons and started fencing. They were both equally skilled and the competition was on. Ladybug stood there slightly annoyed. Which one was he? She thought. Her questioning was interrupted when one of them was pinned to the floor by the other.

"I'm the real Chat Noir!" One of them yelled.

"Don't listen to him! I am!" The other yelled.

Ladybug stomped her foot in annoyance.

"Not this again!" She yelled. "If you are the real Chat Noir, you'd know how romantic our first kiss was and where it was."

"It was at the park! I was shot by dark cupid's arrow and was trying to take your miraculous, you kissed me and I broke from the trance, it wasn't that romantic, hehe.." The one pinned to the ground yelled.

The other one looked quite clueless. Stealthily, Ladybug pulled the real Chat Noir up as they both readied themselves for battle.

"I'm here for one reason, to get your miraculous'!" Copycat yelled.

Stumped, Ladybug summoned her lucky charm. Out from the sky fell handcuffs. Seems pretty self-explanatory, she thought. Copycat leaped away in hopes that the heroes would follow him. He headed towards the stadium. Before the heroes followed, Ladybug explained her plan to Chat Noir.

"We'll corner him, handcuff him, then grab the picture from out of his pocket!" She demanded.

"What a purrrrrrfect plan," He smirked.

Ladybug rolled her eyes as they headed for the stadium. There in the green field, Copycat stood.

"Give me your miraculous, ladybug, I don't want to hurt you," He cried.

"No thanks." She responded.

"Well, then I'll have to take it myself!" He yelled as he lunged towards her.

Quickly she dodged him as Chat Noir held him back using his pole. Again they fought using their batons. Using her yo-yo, Ladybug wrapped it around Copycat's foot. Well, she thought it was Copycat.

"Hey!" He yelled as he winked.

Immediately she knew she had chained the wrong person. Realizing her mistake, she wrapped her yo-yo around the other cat's foot, Copycat's foot. With all her strength she pulled him to the ground. Grabbing out the handcuffs, she chained them around his hands and before he could react, grabbed the picture from out of his pocket shredding it into pieces.

"No more evil doing for you little Akuma. Time to de-evilize!" She yelled. "Gotcha. Bye-bye little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!"

All order was restored as her magic fixed everything. The two heroes fist bumped.

"Pound it!" They chimed.

"Well, I'll catch you later, m'lady." Chat Noir farewelled.

"See you then," She smiled realizing she'd see him at school in a bit.

Off into the distance, Chat Noir leaped from building to building, out of sight. Marinette was left staring into the blue when she was bombarded with questions from her loyal fan and school friend, Alya.

"Oh my gosh! Ladybug!" She fangirled.

Alya had ditched class to follow Ladybug and catch the action.

"Alya, right?" Ladybug said pretending not to know who she was.

"Oh my gosh, Ladybug knows my name!" Alya screamed.

"Well of course! I read you Lady blog." She responded.

Before Alya could say anything more, Ladybug gripped onto a building with her yo-yo and flung herself up and away. Discretely, she snuck into her home and transformed back to normal.

"We'll get you some cookies Tikki," She whispered. "We are also, let's see, an.. hour late for school!"

Frantically, Marinette gathered her things and ran to the kitchen in a hurried manner to quickly find some cookies and be on her way. If she was an hour late, so was Chat Noir, Adrien. Running speedily, she arrived at the school huffing and puffing. Her head was facing the floor and she tried to regain her breath. Once she finally caught her breath, she peered up to see Adrien.

"We're incredibly late," He laughed. "May as well be late together."

He put his arm out as a gesture to signal her to get going. Clutching hands, the couple wandered into class... late.

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