Chapter 11:

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The couple transformed back into the typical teens. Discreetly, they walked into the master's home. He was sitting there yet again meditating.

"I was expecting you two to finally come." He quietly said.

Marinette turned to Adrien as they shared the same confused expression. Slowly, the pair walked over and took their seats next to Master Fu.

"Marinette, where did you find this book?" He said holding up the book.

Adrien immediately recognized the book. He thought he had lost it. It was the book he found behind the portrait of his mother, the one that his father would hide things behind. He gave Marinette a questioning look. Marinette gave one of her over exaggerated smiles.

"Um! well! The day that Lila and Adrien were at the park, Lila told Adrien that she was a descendant of Volpina. Lila had stolen the book from Adrien earlier at the library and Tikki said that it was very important so we followed Lila to the park with Adrien, ok wait I already said that, anyways, she threw the book into the bin and I retrieved it. Hehe," Marinette nervously blurted out.

Both Adrien and Master Fu stared at her confused. Had they not understood? Marinette nervously spoke really quickly. She didn't want Adrien to think that she was stalking him so she spat out everything in a fast pace.

"I see." Master Fu wisely said stroking his beard. "Adrien, why would your father have the book?"

"I don't know," Adrien answered.

"There must be more that he is hiding, do your remember seeing anything else?" Master Fu asked.

"Well, there were other books, a picture of mother and a peacock broach," Adrien answered.

Master Fu and Marinette both gasped.

"The broach!" Marinette yelled. "Could that be the peacock miraculous?"

"It's possible." Master Fu stated. "Both of you, go, now! Check if it's still there, bring it here."

The duo rushed out and headed for Adrien's home. Adrien had a theory. He didn't want to believe it but, there was a huge possibility. Was his father Hawkmoth?

"Marinette, do you think it's possible that my father is Hawkmoth?" He uneasily said.

Marinette hesitated. She could obviously tell that he didn't want to hear yes as the answer.

"What possible reason could your father have to destroy Paris and take our miraculous'?" Marinette asked trying to comfort him.

They arrived at his home and went in. They stealthy made it to the living room without anyone seeing them. Marinette kept guard at the doorway while Adrien crept over to the painting. He pulled the painting door open and Plagg went inside it to unlock it. Quietly, he opened the safe door. Inside was the picture of his mother, but no peacock broach. Adrien used his hands to signal Marinette that there was no broach. Together they crept out of the house and proceeded back to Master Fu. Maybe Adrien's theory was right. Maybe his father was Hawkmoth. Master Fu could now determine that the peacock broach was with Hawkmoth and that it is being used for evil. The villains have become easier to defeat but the same repetitive villains are coming back. Master Fu explained all to the couple which just pointed more to the fact that Hawkmoth could potentially be Gabriel Agreste, Adrien's father, and Marinette's favorite fashion designer.

"If Mr. Agreste is really Hawkmoth, that means you, Adrien, can investigate," Master Fu suggested.

Adrien nodded but really, he didn't want to have to sneak around his father's room. If he gets caught, basically, he's doomed. The teens left Master Fu's home and were on their way. Adrien seemed pretty gloomy and devastated at their discovery.

"Come on, what are the chance that he's really Hawkmoth. We shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet." Marinette suggested trying to comfort him.

Adrien smiled. He hugged her tight. His only family was his father who didn't show any signs of affection towards him. For years, Adrien was locked up in his house, no friends or family. He really didn't know what love felt like, until now. Marinette embraced the hug and grasped his hand.

"So.. patrol?" Marinette asked.

"Ok," Adrien answered.

Together they transformed and headed to the Eiffel tower to patrol. A thought suddenly popped into Chat Noir's head.

"You haven't properly met my father and I haven't properly met your parents," He smirked.


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