Chapter 6:

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He saw the floating Marinette in the distance and made his way there using his pole. Marinette saw him coming and attempted to break loose from the arms of the Evilustrator. Quickly, she whacked his arms and dropped out of his hands. She was free falling, her eyes shut tight. She opened them to find Chat Noir. He had caught her in the nick of time.

"Need some saving, Princess?" He smirked.

Marinette secretly rolled her eyes and jumped off his lap.

"I'm going to go hide now so the Evilustrator can't find me!" She said as she ran off.

Chat Noir saw the running girl and smiled. He likes her. Marinette found a tree and hid behind it. Tikki flew out and they transformed.

"Chats going to need some help," she mumbled.

Using her yo-yo, she swung over to the black cat.

"M'lady." Chat Noir smiled.

"Chat," she smirked.

Together they devised a plan.

"The Akuma is probably in the pen again," Ladybug said. "Destroy the drawing pad using your power and I'll get the pen!"

"OK! Let's go!" Chat Noir yelped.

Ladybug decided she may as well use her lucky charm to hatch her plan. Out from the sky, a rose fell.

"What do I do with a rose?" Ladybug questioned.

She decided to use it as a flirting device. She would lure Evilustrator by saying Marinette had given it to him. He was a very gullible person so she figured he'd fall for it. Her plan worked smoothly as Chat Noir secretly ambushed Evilustrator before pouncing onto the pad, smashing it. Before Evilustrator could react, she grabbed the pen and snapped it.

"Time to de-evilize!" She yelled. "bye-bye little butterfly, Miraculous Ladybug!"

All was returned to normality and the two heroes chimed,

"Pound it!"

Chat Noir's ring beeped.

"Well, I have to go now, m'lady." Chat Noir exclaimed.

He winked and ran off into the distance. Really, he was running to his photo shoot as Adrien. Ladybug was left alone and had some time to think. When would be the best time to reveal her identity? She was lost in thought. Her heart was confused, though, it seemed to pound when Chat Noir was around. Lately, she didn't mind his nicknames or his flirting. Sometimes she would go along with it too. She obviously knew he liked her but would he like Marinette. Did Ladybug like Chat Noir? She became overwhelmed with guilt and confusion. She was stuck. Chat Noir was her partner. They had been a team for so long that it was just a matter of time before she fell for him. Her heart was meant for Adrien but it accidentally liked Chat Noir. She smiled. It was a good feeling to know that someone you like, liked you back. But who would she choose? Confused, she walked back home as Marinette.

The next day arrived, she headed to school with Alya and they gossiped about the previous mall trip experience. They were sitting in their usual seats behind Adrien and Nino when Chole walked in.

"Put my bag there Sabrina!" She ordered. "Oh look who it is, Marinette, how terrible that you're here!"

Marinette didn't respond. It just wasn't one of those days. Adrien wandered into class and turned around to see Marinette.

"Thanks for your pen." He said handing back the blue pen.

Marinette nervously grabbed it and clutched it in her hands.

"Why don't you put it in your shrine?" Alya chuckled.

Marinette blushed and placed the pen down carefully. Class began and all was well. That night, both Adrien and Marinette were at their own homes. Each one of them managed to climb on top of their roofs using their powers and began to think. They didn't know it, but both of them were staring at the moon, just from opposite sides. What happened filled them both with guilt. Adrien had fallen for Marinette but loved Ladybug. Marinette had fallen for Chat Noir but loved Adrien. Here begins the love square.

*THE LOVE SQUARE BEGINS! Actually, my friend and I discovered that it is actually not a square, it's an eight or infinity. INFINITE LOVE BEGINS!!!! ALSO please comment on what you think!*

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