Chapter 27:

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Nino and Alya took their seats while Adrien still clutched to Marinette's hand, walked to their desks.

"Oh Adrikens!" Chloe yelled. "Marinette..."

Marinette pulled a blank expression.

"Hey Chloe," Adrien smiled.

Of course, Chloe wasn't perfect, but she was still Adrien's first friend so he had to be kind.

"Adrikens, you're coming to prom with me right?" Chloe fluttered her eyes.

Marinette just remembered. Prom. Only a few weeks away. Adrien tried to avoid her question. Chloe's eyes then turned to Marinette.

"Who are you going with? Oh wait, that's right, no one! Ahahahahhaha," Chloe mocked.

Marinette groaned and was about to react but Adrien pulled her in for the kiss. They stood there for a while and a few 'woo-woos' came from the class. He looked at her and grinned. Then, he turned to Chloe.

"Sorry Chloe, I'm taking Marinette," He smiled.

With that, the couple departed to their seats leaving Chloe dumbfounded. She stormed back to her seat with Sabrina who followed.

"Nice one girl," Alya laughed.

The rest of the day crept by and after school hours finally arrived.

"Hey, guys! I just got this really cool idea!" Alya yelled. "Let's go to the aquarium!"

Marinette's eyes sparked. She loved the aquarium. The marine life fascinated her. She peered up at Adrien. He stared blankly at Alya.

"The aquarium?" He strangely asked. "Is that the place with the fish? I've never been to one,"

Marinette's jaw practically dropped. Never been to the aquarium? She thought. Alya, of course, wasn't surprised. Obviously, she realized before Marinette. Alya looked over at the stunned Marinette and nudged her quickly before leaving to grab Nino.

"hmm... wanna go?" Marinette smiled.

"hmm... ok!" He smiled back.

The four, each paired up by clutched hands, got dropped off by Adrien's car at the aquarium. They all stood before it and marveled at the size.

"Wow..." Adrien stared in amazement.

Alya was already dragging Nino in so Marinette thought to do the same.

"Let's hope you don't eat all the fish kitty!" Marinette laughed as she dragged the dumbfounded boy.

His amazement soon turned into a cheeky grin. The four arrived at the tunnel of fish. There were fish above them, to both sides and even some below.

"Look at that one!" Marinette yelled pointing to the massive shark-like fish.

Alya called the group back in a spot.

"Selfie!" She yelled as she took a picture on her cell phone. "That's a keeper."

"Yo dude! Look at the size of that!" Nino marveled.

The rest of the trip was a bunch of 'wows' and 'check this outs' and 'gah!s'. Finally, the evening arrived.

"I'm hungry," Marinette complained.

Alya nodded in agreement. The night had gotten pretty cold and their breath turned into mist. Like the gentleman Adrien was, he took his jacket off and gave it to Marinette. How cliche, she thought. It warmed her heart to know that he was sacrificing himself for her, in a weird way. Nino, who didn't have a jacket, wrapped himself around the freezing Alya. Together, the four of them ventured out to find some food. They were suddenly stopped by the sound of a familiar voice.

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