Chapter 12:

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Marinette rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Alright." She said.

Right then and there they had planned to meet each other's family. It was midnight when they finally decided, patrol was over. Chat Noir followed Ladybug home. Last time, he didn't notice the photographs on the wall.

"Wow, there is a lot of me stuck on your wall." He chuckled.

"Uhhhh...." Marinette said. "Well, you see, I kinda, sorta had a little obsession."

"Is that so?" He laughed.

"Well, I don't need the pictures anymore, I've got the real thing." She smiled. "Is your house not full of Ladybug pictures?"

"Of course not! If I could, I would, but father probably wouldn't allow it." He sheepishly said.

Chat Noir decided to leave her to get some rest.

"See you at school tomorrow, m'lady," He smirked.

"Bye kitty," She waved.

He leaped out the window and towards his home. Marinette plopped onto her bed.

"What a day," She whispered to Tikki.

"Remember that time when the evilustrator came and Adrien came to ask, was Chat Noir cool and then you began to babble on about how awesome he is?" Tikki giggled.

"Oh yeah," Marinette laughed. "Technically he was asking me if I thought he was cool."

Tikki and Marinette soon dozed off into a deep sleep. Meanwhile, Chat Noir had just arrived home. He transformed back into Adrien.

"That was exhausting," Plagg complained. "Where's the cheese?"

Adrien pointed to the plate. He fell onto his bed and stared at the ceiling.

"It feels good to have someone like you," He smiled.

"It feels good to eat cheese!" Plagg responded.

Adrien dozed off before he could answer. What a great night, he thought. Spending it with Ladybug. The next morning, he left home to go find Marinette. She had no prior warning when he arrived at her doorstep.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Meeting your parents." He chuckled. "May I come in?"

She pulled open the door and gestured her hands to signal him to come in. The windows were foggy as the cold air had practically frozen them. This was Adrien's third time coming to her house as Adrien. The first two times involved playing video games. This time, he was here on a serious note. He needed to make a lasting impression on Marinette's parents. Of course, they already knew how much Marinette adored Adrien, she had told them everything.

"Mr. and Mrs. Cheng," Adrien smiled.

"Ah! Adrien! Here to practice for a video game tournament?" Marinette's father asked.

"No, actually, I'm here to see you." He smiled. "I would please like to date your daughter, Marinette."

Marinette's parents were stunned. Their little girl was dating now. The couple smiled. It indicated their answer and they welcomed him. Marinette and Adrien wandered up to the rooftop.

"How'd I do?" Adrien asked.

"Well," She smiled.

"Good," He laughed.

The two of them talked and talked for what felt like hours. They were discussing how to get Nino and Alya together.

"I've got it! A double date!" Adrien exclaimed.

"To where?" Marinette asked.

"The.. the... movies!" Adrien cried.

Marinette giggled.

"Alright, let's do it!" Marinette laughed.

Adrien picked up his phone and called Nino whilst Marinette called Alya. They had accepted and were all set. Later in the afternoon, the would go on a double date with Nino and Alya in hope that they will become closer.

"Such a smart kitty." Marinette giggled

"Of course, every cat needs a ladybug," He smirked.

The afternoon finally arrived and the couple waited at the cinema. Nino and Alya greeted them.

"What are we watching dudes?" Nino asked.

"What ever's on," Adrien answered.

"Uh, Alya and I need to go to the bathroom, we'll meet you in line," Marinette said as she dragged her confused friend away.

"What's going on?" Alya asked.

"We are having a double date!" She exclaimed.

The last time the four of them tried anything, was at the zoo where they were attacked by animals. Nino and Alya got close while they were trapped in a cage and had developed feelings for each other. Alya had confessed that she did like Nino after that event, but hadn't really given it a shot.

"oh, ok," Alya said nervously.

Nino was informed by Adrien also. They both understood what was going on. They were having a date, well, an arranged one.

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