Chapter 32:

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The boys had to call it a day and come back tomorrow for further investigation. They split off and headed their own ways. Adrien arrived at his door, feeling down. He made his way to his bedroom and flopped face-first onto the bed.

"It's not that bad," Plagg comforted.

"Really?" Adrien groaned.

"Uh... well, yeah, it is, you stuffed up really badly," Plagg insensitively said.

"Ugh," Adrien muffled in his pillow.

He sat up with his legs crossed over. Plagg sat his shoulder. He pulled out his phone and opened the photos. He slowly swiped through the photos slowly. They were of Marinette and him. Some of them were with Alya and Nino when they went on trips. Adrien smiled at the happy memories but soon the joy turned to bitterness.

"What happens if she never forgives me? Will it all be over?" Adrien thought aloud.

"Cheer up, have some cheese," Plagg insisted.

Adrien fell back onto his pillow and stared at the ceiling.

"Oh Marinette, what are doing now?" He whispered.

Over at Marinette's house, basically, the same thing was going on. Marinette was lying on her bed staring at the ceiling moping.

"Marinette," Tikki said.

"Huh?" Marinette mumbled.

"You need to get up, lying around isn't going to solve any of your problems," Tikki encouraged.

"But lying around means I don't have to face my problems," Marinette mumbled.

Tikki poked her until she got up.

"Alright, alright." Marinette sat up. "It's just, I don't know what to do anymore or what to think anymore,"

"Marinette, remember your life before Adrien?" Tikki reminisced.

"Yeah, I obsessed over him." Marinette plainly said.

"Well, find something else to obsess over," Tikki smiled. "Make a new friend."

"But I feel like I can't trust anyone anymore," Marinette complained. "I really didn't think Adrien was that type of person."

She lied back down. This time, Tikki didn't pull her back up. Instead, the two dozed off into a deep sleep. Early morning arrived, the fresh chilly morning breeze with the glistening sun. Marinette slowly woke up.

"Yay, the only thing going right in my life is the weather." Marinette sarcastically mumbled.

"Get a move on or you'll be late for school!" Tikki yelled.

Marinette hopped out of bed and readied herself for school before heading off. She arrived at the steps of the school to see Alya waiting for her. Marinette's face was still moping and Alya could see it.

"Girl, there's probably a reason for why he did it, I don't think it was on purpose," Alya tried comforting her.

"Forget it. He's just like what you said from the very start, a teen model, son of a fashion designer, friends with Chloe, I should've trusted you from the start. Out of all the girls, why would he choose me." Marinette frowned.

"Aw, don't think like that," Alya nudged.

Together they walked to class. Marinette kept her head low as she glanced at Adrien who was already seated. He didn't look up either.

"Oh look who it is! Marinette, here to take out the garbage? Wait! You are the garbage!" Chloe snickered.

Marinette didn't bother responding. She just had no energy left. Her world was over, what's the point? Chloe stormed away dissatisfied at Marinette's reaction. Adrien noticed what had happened and lowered his head even more. Nino was observing the behavior of all of them and kept notes in his head. Before they knew it, first break had arrived. Adrien was already outside the classroom waiting for Nino.

"M-Marinette... would y-you like to sit with me t-today?" Nathaniel approached Marinette.

"Sure," Marinette hesitated.

Outside, Lila approached Adrien and tried to start up a conversation. Nathaniel and Marinette exited the classroom to see the two. Everyone paused. Marinette gave Adrien a saddening look, then continued off with Nathaniel. Adrien stared at the two walking away whilst Lila chattered in the background. He really wasn't interested in her.

"Sorry Lila, I have to go find Nino," Adrien rushed off.

Instead of finding Nino, he crossed Alya.

"Do you have the camera?" Adrien questioned.

"Not yet, I should have it by this afternoon," Alya said.

Over where Nathaniel and Marinette sat, there was mostly silence. Marinette was still feeling depressed and down. She didn't really feel like doing anything. Her depressing thoughts were interrupted by screaming.

Quickly, she turned to see Darkblade. He was terrorizing the students. Hurriedly, she ran off leaving Nathaniel. In a classroom, she transformed. What would happen when Chat Noir arrived, Adrien. Awkwardness. Ladybug ignored the thoughts and focused on saving Paris.

Quickly, Ladybug exited the room and searched for the villain. Where was he? She thought. Unexpectedly, she found herself wandering away from the school. Eventually, she turned up in a corner. Confused, she looked around in search of Darkblade. Out of nowhere, he jumped down to greet her.

"Ah, Ladybug, I need something of yours, your Miraculous!" Darkblade yelled.

Ladybug knew the Akuma was in the sword so she tried grasping onto it with her yo-yo. Strangely, it didn't work. Darkblade whacked it off and the yo-yo fell so distance behind him. Ladybug was defenseless. With nowhere to go, she backed into a corner. She was trapped. Darkblade raised his sword and positioned himself. Out of the blue, Chat Noir jumped in. He was hugging Ladybug, his back facing Darkblade. Why? Ladybug thought. What was he doing?

His grip on her was very tight. She was stunned and confused. Slowly, she peered over his shoulder. The silver sword had penetrated through him, blood slowly flowing out. Ladybug couldn't process what was going on. She stood there shocked. All was silent. Slowly, the grip loosened. His arms dropped downwards and his legs became weak. Chat Noir ended up leaning on Ladybug lifelessly.

Ladybug didn't understand what he had done. From his left hand, his baton fell and rolled away. From his other hand, the silver ring. The engagement ring. The sharp sound of it hitting the concrete echoed in Ladybug's ears. She held Chat Noir up as he dropped down. She wanted to cry, to scream, to do something. Anything.

Her mind slowly began to function. She realized what had happened. Chat Noir had saved her. He shielded her from the sword. All was silent with only the faint rustling of the trees, the chilly air washed over. Chat Noir had died.

*Well, that was sad, I hope you all die as I did when writing this. Please comment.*

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