Chapter 8:

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Patrol was over and they both went their separate ways. Chat Noir so suddenly became someone Ladybug liked. When they first met, she thought of him as a flirtatious, almost idiot, a big jokester. Now, after about a year of fighting crime, she really did like him, unfortunately. Marinette tossed and turned in bed and consulted Tikki for help.

"What should I do?" She asked Tikki.

"Do what your heart says, if that means Chat Noir, then it's Chat Noir," Tikki answered.

Marinette thought long and hard. Maybe when their identities are revealed, it'll make things easier. The morning of Wednesday arrived. Adrien and Marinette both arrived at school before their friends. Together they waited at the stairs for them to arrive. It was an awkward silence. Marinette was certain that Adrien knew she like him, the home-screen on her phone made it obvious. Her obsession with him had gone a bit overboard. Adrien was about to start some small talk when Lila walked over.

"Adrien, do you want to study after school? We can go to my place!" She exclaimed.

Marinette turned her head and walked away. She didn't even want to be near Lila. Her head was low and she sat a few meters away from them.

"Oh, sorry, I have a photo shoot this afternoon," Adrien faked.

"No problem, next time," She said. "Next time we can also talk about, Volpina."

Lila walked past Marinette and gave a devilish glance towards her. Marinette was too shy to look up and frankly, embarrassed. Alya rushed over and greeted her friend. Marinette lied very well on that particular day and acted as if nothing was wrong. Everything was wrong. Lunch was about to begin when a loud thud was heard in the main area. It was stone heart, another one was back. Quickly, Adrien and Marinette both discretely transformed without even realizing the other was only a few meters away. Ladybug and Chat Noir greeted each other and knew exactly what to do. They found Mylene and she did all the work. She sang the song Ivan (stone heart) wrote for her and quickly, the Akuma was captured. It was unusual for a villain to be defeated so easily but Ladybug was just grateful. Chat Noir and Ladybug both stood there and pounded their fists. Ladybug's earrings beeped.

"Bug out!" Ladybug smiled.

She threw her yo-yo and was about to swing off when Chat Noir grabbed her wrist. She looked at him confused. He wasn't smiling. His face was serious and he looked like he needed to ask something important. Ladybug retracted her yo-yo and turned fully to stare at him.

"Ladybug. I need to know who you are." Chat Noir said

The question that had been asked several times was going to be answered today. Ladybug grabbed both his hands.

"Chat Noir. I have fallen in love with you." She smiled.

He stood there very stunned but before he could react, Ladybug pulled his neck towards her and kissed. It felt like a long time. They both stood there lost in the kiss when she pulled away.

"If you love Ladybug, you have to love the girl behind her too." She said.

"I love you, m'lady, whoever you may be." He smirked.

"Alright." She smiled.

Together they hid behind a wall and counted to three.

"1...2...3," They both said with their eyes shut tight.

Marinette was the first to transform. She slowly opened her eyes. There standing in front of her was Adrien. He opened his eyes to see Marinette. A sigh of relief was heard from both of them. No one said anything. Adrien grabbed her and hugged her. They both hugged each other for what felt like forever.

"Wanna go on a date?" Adrien smiled.

"Sure," Marinette smiled.

*It has been revealed. DA-TA*

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