Sharing is Caring: Pass the Salt Around! (Part one)

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Now it's your turn to share some salty stories!

Although Can I Have Some Salt For My Fries? is but a drooling infant, I thought it would be interesting to add in a section where I can showcase your rants. These rants are either posted in the comments section for the chapters or have been PM'ed to me (I prefer PMs, because if people can read them in the comments, it's pointless for them to read it here too). I will organise them under headings—the authors can be anonymous or not. Just specify whether you want me to add your name in or not.

I will be updating this chapter frequently (If people send me rants to post!!! *looks accusingly at y'all*), so make sure you check these out often!

Public Transport, or should I say, Preventable Torture?


Followed, Unfollowed, Follo—Fuck Off. 


The Newly Discovered Virus: Read Requesters.

Just recently I had someone ask me to read their book. They posted on my profile that they thought I should check out their book. Now, I'm into science fiction and action and fantasy and things like that. Not badly written teen fiction. It was a terribly written story (I could tell just looking at the cover and summary) and it was about the bad boy and the nerd or some crap like that. I think books like that are dumb and I can't stand reading them. If other people want to, go ahead. But I don't like them. So obviously this person didn't notice, or just didn't care, that I hate books like that.

The thing that pissed me off the most was when they added at the end 'feel free to vote and comment.' Like, oh thank you. I'm so glad you're allowing me to vote on your book, you wonderful author. I'm so glad you told me to read your book (didn't even really ask) and then told me I could vote for it. Thanks, means a lot. (Obvious sarcasm)

I've gotten a read request before like the one you talked about who does the PM message. I checked her book out and it looked interesting, but I never got to reading it. I think I might've even deleted it from my library. Well, the author decided to then post a comment I don't know thanking a few of her readers and added my name. She said something along the lines of 'I don't know if you're just silent readers, or what but thank you.' Well, people then were telling her how great a writer she was. Her book might be great, but I had completely forgotten it due to the fact that she just PMd me a link. 

by @Phase57

Getting private messages for reading a story is fine by me, I mean I can ignore right? And sometimes, I do find interesting stories. However, what really annoys me when I get PMs in relation to every chapter that this author posts. Like -

"Read Chapter Blah - vote/comment!"


Now, if you are my friend or if I have been telling you how much I love your work/characters - it is fine. However, if I have never read your work or don't plan to. You can't keep sending me PMs. That's just annoying and I will be forced to mute you, which I don't like doing....

So yeah, that's my rant. This has been annoying me for some time now. So thanks for letting me vent. XD 

by OmaimaAkbar 

Episode 1: 

This one time a person sent me a request saying 'Can you check out my book.....? I am sure you would love it. ' I wanted to tell her that there was a difference between being self assured and over confident but then I read her blurb and realized that it was useless. I politely declined, telling her that I had exams(which was true) but she sent me a request AGAIN two days later. Oh the horror.

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