Milestone Chappie: Q&A #1

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Omfg thank y'all for actually asking me questions. They were all so creative and amazing, I decided to include all of them. Fuck my own rules. 

1. Marvel or DC?

 Marvel or DC?

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2. Captain America or Ironman? 

I think you're trying to start a...civil war here.

I'll go with Ironman. Not only is Robert Downey Junior hot—he runs his mouth a lot, but can back it up by making it rain and slaying everyone with his wits. He's got all three corners on the triangle: wealth, intelligence, and looks. 

Also, Captain America is an idiot for defending a country as shitty as America. (no offense)

3. Nutella or chocolate-chip cookies?

Fuck. How can you ask me such a thing? I love them both!

If it was a matter of life or death, I'd have to go with chocolate-chip cookies, especially the homemade ones. It makes me feel a certain type of way being able to pull them out of the oven, freshly baked and steaming hot...

4. What did the last few lines say? (With reference to the gibberish at the end of the 5k milestone chapter)

Please like and comment if you like my work. Also vote please, I'm hungry for votes. 

The language is called "Stewpid"—it's written form is utilised by the most ignorant of English speakers.

5. How old are you?

18. I'm an adulty adult.

6. Favorite book series/book (not on Wattpad)?

Sherrilyn Kenyon's Dark Hunter series. It has action, drama, humour, and most importantly sex. Lots of sex. The type of sex that would make your grandma blush as she thinks of her youth. 

7. Favorite TV show?

Rupaul's Dragrace.

Rupaul's Dragrace

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8. You are stuck on a deserted island. You see a box. What's in that box?

If the island is deserted—aka shows no signs of life—how could there be a box?

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