I Never Judge Anyone!!!!!!

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[Baby Rant]

I always laugh whenever I hear that because it's actually one of the most hypocritical statements one can say. It's human nature to judge. You see something that makes you uncomfortable? You're going to make a comment about it in your head, whether you like it or not. Whether you say it out loud or not is a different story.

Me: *sees a guy walking down the street with 70% of his body covered in tattoos and 20 different piercings on his face*

Me, internally: What the fuck. Why would anyone want to mutilate their body like that? Then they wonder why they can't get a job; who would hire someone that looks like a fucking Aztec warrior?

What I've come to learn is that whilst our first instinct is to judge, what we do after determines what kind of person we are. Instead of spending every waking moment of your day being bitter about the choices people make to be happy, how about trying to see it from their perspective?

Me: *sees a guy walking down the street with 70% of his body covered in tattoos and 20 different piercings on his face*

Me, internally: What the fuck.

Me, later: That's a really sick as dragon tattoo he has on his arm. I wonder how much it cost him to get that? That Mohawk is cool as well, it must have taken ages for him to get it to that height.

And no, I'm not talking about being accepting of things that are hateful or wrong—judge those people the same way God judges rapists in the after-life. Mercilessly. Don't stand by and allow yourself to be insulted/demeaned by people whose only scope is to make you, or anyone else, feel like shit about themselves. 

What I'm trying to say is, society has conditioned us into thinking that anything that even mildly strays  from what's considered "normal" or "acceptable" is wrong and should be condemned. We are asked to showcase our individuality, but when we do, we are spat in the face, because being too "unique" is wrong, but being part of the crowd makes you a sheep. 

My point is, even if your first instinct is to criticise (internally) someone for their choices, try to think beyond that little box of bitterness/anger, and try to understand the why they did what they did (as well as the fact that as long as they're happy with themselves/aren't hurting anyone/don't directly affect you, it's not your place to condemn then). Trust me, by being more acceptant of diversity, you'll be happier.

I hope that made sense?


Is there something that you're itching to complain about, but have the good sense not to do so on a public forum? I can do it for you! Feel free to PM me with the topic you want me to rant about, and I won't think twice before adding it here. I'll be waiting!

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