I'm a tree and I'm gonna throw shade

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Okay, I'm gonna be throwing shade at someone who's been really pissing me off lately.

As much as I want to mention his account name, I won't, because I don't want to get this book reported/taken down for complaining about one idiot. It's not worth it.

So this guy, let's call him Mayo, has this carnal need to go in every single Diversity thread and give his stupid ass opinion which nobody cares/wants to here. Before I get into that, Diversity threads are the ones in the clubs where people can talk about how their books contain diversity (not only racial diversity, mind you) and help those authors who are interested in making their books more diverse by giving advice/resources. It's a safe place for us authors who have character casts that aren't cishet able-bodied middle/upper-class male/females.

Now Mayo always has to fucking barge into these threads like "All my characters are white and I don't bother adding diversity to my stories. Come at me" (Legit it's always something along those lines) and then when people drag his ass through broken glass and fire, he starts whining about how "he can't express his opinion" and "everyone is a sheep on this site" and "nobody understands authors like me" and "minorities are coming here and try to act like King Tut" and other irrelevant shit like that. 

If you have nothing positive to contribute to the conversation, why don't you just FUCK OFF! This isn't a fucking debate about whether you want or don't want to include diversity in your stories, it's a thread for AUTHORS WHO INCLUDE DIVERSITY TO HELP EACH OTHER OUT. So if you aren't one of those authors, WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE???? Bitch and cry about how everyone is mean on this site? It's as if I went into an anime thread in the café and said "oh, anime is stupid and is for losers. I never watch anime. Just stating my opinion" and then expect not to get roasted. If I don't like anime, I'm not going intrude in a fucking anime thread and give my worthless opinion (btw I like anime, it was just an example). 

Mayo also always makes these threads complaining about how all these cliché books are doing better than him, about how teenagers here don't give a shit about their writing, a whole bunch of other shit, then you go into his books and he has all the clichés he condemns other people for using. But hey, when he does it, it's alright, but when other people do, they're ignorant and don't know the difference between their left and right.

 But hey, when he does it, it's alright, but when other people do, they're ignorant and don't know the difference between their left and right

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If you hate this site so much, why don't you just fuck off and go to another one? If you're such a literature genius, why haven't you made millions off your work then? I don't understand! 

ALSO, Stop intruding on conversations that aren't meant for you! It's annoying af and I won't refrain from giving you a piece of my mind! (And so haven't others, because they're just as pissed about it as I am) Unless a thread is a hate thread, don't show up tryna act like you're some sort of  rogue wolf or an anarchist or some other bullshit like that because nobody is going to give a SINGLE BOTHER!!! 

You may be "older" but you behave like a freakin' child, so cut the crap and go take nap or get breastfed from your mother or something, because everyone's tired of you!!!!

Rant over 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Is there something that you're itching to complain about, but have the good sense not to do so on a public forum? I can do it for you! Feel free to PM me with the topic you want me to rant about, and I won't think twice before adding it here. I'll be waiting!

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