Omg dis is amazinggggggg!!!!!!!

258 46 36

"What gets on my guff is those people who write you that half ass brainless comment like 'that was a good chapter like OMG" or something and you just KNOW that there is a gripe that they can't be asked to tell you. Their comment could fit snuggly in just about any book ever conceived.

It just gripes me to no end and it's mad because I hardly ever had that happen to me, I think I've just nightmares about the whole thing.

Maybe it's just me. But ever since I've put more into my reviews the less I tolerate it.

I was once this close to ranting about it so maybe you could? XD"


I'm always down for some dirty, succulent rants, and this is one of them. 

I don't know about y'all, but I hate comments on a chapter like "omg dis is amazingggg!!!!" with no evidence as to why they think it's amazing. They don't tell you what they liked or disliked about the story, whether they ship any characters, whether they want to see one dead, whether they think there's a plot hole, any internal screaming...nothing. Dis is amazingggg doesn't tell me jack shit, except for, perhaps, that these commentators are just fishing for views on their own work. They smart. They know you'll most likely head over to their profile once you find out that they've been 'reading' your book, because you're a nice person and want to thank them for stumbling over your piece of trash.

In all honesty, I rather have a silent reader than a hypocritical one.

Because those people who comment "OMG DIS is SO beutiful i wish i culd write like u!" or "ehrmagerd ur so talented! Tell me ur secrets!" or "hahahahahahpleasereadmystoryhahahahah" are full of shit. I see these comments on works that, quite frankly, need ALOT of work done before they're even close to being 'alright'—I mean— 'legible'. 

I really don't see the point in telling someone that their work is worthy of being flaunted on the shelves in bookstores when it's really only as good as a computer virus. It's doing the author more harm than good because when they then go and ask for a review/critique from someone like me, who doesn't give two shits about whether your mother or best friend think you're a good writer, then they expect to be praised and given a 10/10 score. Getting hit with a 3/10 and a 3000+ commentary on what's wrong with your work is like getting slapped in the face with a metal chair.

I've had some people confess to me that they didn't think that their work was that terrible, or that they even went as far as deleting it off Wattpad. That's life, pal. I rather be the person who hits you with the truth than the one that lies to you in a read 4 read. Even though it might sting initially, and you deny it, once you settle down and take a look at it objectively (aka not from a narcissistic viewpoint), you'll realize that your work isn't perfect and that it actually does deserve to be worked on. 

That is not to say you can go around and trash people's work either...

But whatever you do, don't say THIS IS AMAZINGGGG!!!!! if it's not. The disease of horrible writing is spreading too quickly across this site already—pls, save yourself and those you love and cherish. 

Be real.


Is there something that you're itching to complain about, but have the good sense not to do so on a public forum? I can do it for you! Feel free to PM me with the topic you want me to rant about, and I won't think twice before adding it here. I'll be waiting!

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