Of Doctors and Dogs and Dreams (Part 1)

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UberHaxorNova/James WIlsonX Reader, T, approx 3200 words, reference to injuries and hospitals (First Person POV)

Reader is a young doctor, running the emergency floor on the 4th of July, exhausted and wishing They could just be home working on videos, can't help but think the guy cursing and groaning is cute. They also can't help but jump at the opportunity to give him their number. 

I do not own any piece of Cow Chop and I am simply stating that this is a work of fiction and holds no reality to it beyond being an imagine/reader insert.

Please feel free to send me requests or suggestions, I hope you all enjoy my first Cow Chop centered story :)


"Hey, we need someone to check on the patient in the corner stall, he's cursing up a storm." I looked up to see my co-worker and friend, Amy, staring at me. I blinked, the lack of sleep catching up to me before I nodded. "After he's taken care of you should go home, we can handle things here."

I smiled and stood up from my chair behind the main floor's nursing area. "Don't worry about it, we're already short staffed and it's the 4th of July, I can take a few more hours." Amy thanked me, moving to speak further but her pager went off, and she had to rush out. Once I grabbed my pen and papers and had taken a shot of my forth energy drink in the 18 hours I had been on call, I rushed out towards the stall Amy had mentioned.

As I got closer, I could hear a guy moaning, with two others halfway between comforting him and laughing. "Fuck you guys!" The first guy shouted, and I saw a few of my colleagues give me looks, their eyes telling me to get him to calm down. I grabbed his file from the rack, took a deep breath and spoke.

"Is it okay if I come in?" Instead of answering, the drapes were pulled open, and I was faced with four men, one on the bed, still moaning in pain, and two biting back laughter, and one who simply looked bored by the situation. "I'm Dr. Y/L/N, but just call me Y/N. You must be James, yes?"

The man huffed, "Well, I'm the one on the bed in pain and my chart has my fucking name on it, so that would be pretty goddamn obvious wouldn't it?"

I wasn't fazed, I had dealt with much worse, "Mr. Wilson, I only ask that to make sure you are completely coherent. Your chart, as you've so kindly pointed out, has your information, but the nurse who brought you in didn't write much more than you had a... roller boarding accident. I'd ask if you have been drinking but it's pretty goddamn obvious, as you eloquently put, that it's right here in your file that you haven't."

The three other men were laughing loudly now, and I couldn't help but smile behind the file when James' face flushed slightly, but he refused to take a look at me. "Now, you three, if you want to stay here that's fine, but you need to keep it down please, we have a lot of people here tonight, okay?" My voice was softer now, more kind as I looked them over.

"Sorry about the noise, though most of it was James. I'm Joe by the way. That's Aleks, and that's Aron." The man that spoke had long hair and a bright smile, the first one he pointed to was smirking at James, but waved to me, a backwards baseball hat on, and the last man simply nodded in acknowledgement, a lollipop stick in his mouth.

"It's nice to meet you all, now, James, can you try and explain to me what happened tonight?" I stood at the foot of his bed, my paper out, and he cleared his throat, wincing slightly before answering my question.

"The four of us were recording a video, we were doing a stunt with the roller board where I was on it, and we tied a rope to it, and these three jerks were pulling it to make it go faster. We ended up hitting a pothole and-" He cut himself off as a visible spasm went through him and he bit his fist to keep from screaming.

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