I Never Forgot That You're The Sun

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JoeXReader, T, approx 4200 words, I don't think there's anything to warn about (if there is please let me know and I'll absolutely make sure to fix this!)

I can't believe the response to this series! It's overwhelming (in the best way possible) how much you guys seem to like this! I never expected to get three hundred reads, let alone almost 3 thousand! Pus over a hundred votes, and now I'm getting requests! I'm so honored that people are asking me to write things they want done, and I'll continue to do them as long as I can! So as always, feel free to send them in, I'm going to be doing them in the order I receive them, so if you don't see yours done but someone else's just know that it's on the way!

NinjaBunnyKins gave me this prompt: "I'm sorry but can you do one where the reader is the intern and they work the most with either Joe or Aron and on the first day they reconize them as the person they had a one night stand with but then they get to know each other through the awkwardness and really hit it off...please??" I hope this lives up to what you wanted!

I do not own any piece of Cow Chop and I am simply stating that this is a work of fiction and holds no reality to it beyond being an imagine/reader insert.

I hope you all enjoy this!


My head was against my steering wheel, and as I took deep breaths I tried to convince myself to get out of the car. I hadn't wanted this job, I had my own YouTube channel that I was living perfectly well off of, but I owed Aleks. He only needed someone temporarily, someone to help with the editing. If I hadn't just finished an extremely time consuming series of songs I would have never agreed to help out. Aleks was one of my oldest friends, he was the one that got me into YouTube, insisting that it was a perfect place to put out the songs I would record. I was living in Colorado because of him, but this was not something I signed up for. It's not that I was above interning, that wasn't it at all, it was just that I always liked to work on my own.

Now I was being asked to work in a house with people I'd never met, until their other editor, a guy named Aron, was able to get back to work. I felt bad for the guy, apparently there was a family emergency and he had needed to leave the country for a few weeks. Aleks hadn't given me all the details, all but begging me to come the next day to help.

"You owe him." I mumbled to myself, "He's your best friend, and if you don't do this you're not living up to that title." I took one more deep breath and got out of my car, locking it behind me once I took my laptop from the back. I went up the steps, and knocked on the door. I could hear Aleks calling that he was coming, and the door was opened seconds later.

"Y/N! I was starting to think you wouldn't show up!" He sighed in relief, and ushered me in. I could hear James yelling from one of the other rooms, asking if it was the new intern, "I'm sorry, I said I was bringing someone in and everyone's taken to calling you the intern, I'll tell them to stop if you want."

Suddenly finding myself excited to meet these people I shook my head. "No, it's cool. It's funny, I was freaking out about meeting everyone literal seconds ago, but now I'm kinda into it."

Aleks grinned, "See, you're always so hesitant about stuff but you're all excited and shit now!" I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder, "Alright, come on, meet everyone, and then I'll show you where you'll be working." I let Aleks lead me into the kitchen, which extended into the living room. James was sitting on the couch, and another guy was fiddling with one of the cameras. "Guys, meet Y/N, she's going to help us out until Aron gets back."

James stood and offered me his hand, "Hey, aren't you that chick that does video game music?" I nodded, smiling as he grinned, "Sweet, I love your stuff, what the hell are you doing being our intern? You have almost as many subscribers as me."

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