Of Doctors and Dogs and Dreams (Part 2/Finale)

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UberHaxorNova/James WIlsonX Reader, T, approx 2500 words, reference to death, blood, and hospitals (First Person POV)

Reader has met back up with James, after not hearing from him. The two agree to go on a date, but they had to part early when Reader was called back to the hospital. They don't know what they want to do with their life after a bad experience at the hospital, but maybe James holds a new future for them.

I do not own any piece of Cow Chop and I am simply stating that this is a work of fiction and holds no reality to it beyond being an imagine/reader insert.

Please feel free to send me requests or suggestions, I hope you all enjoy the follow up to my first Cow Chop centered story :)


She sat on her bed, sad and anxious. "Livy? What's this I hear that you're refusing to go into surgery?" I called softly, wearing my scrubs and white coat. She looked up and gave me a hopeful smile. Livy was a eleven year old girl, her cancer was going into remission, but she needed to

"Dr. Y/N! I need you to help me!" I moved to the side of her bed, and she patted for me to sit, so I did. "The man that was my roommate, Mr. Haylin, he's getting surgery today, but he doesn't have any family. It's supposed to make him more comfortable, he said he's not going to get to leave the hospital. He said he doesn't think he'll leave the room." Livy looked sad, but understanding. "He told me he was scared to go in alone. I need you to let me go in with him."

I couldn't help but smile, placing a hand over her folded ones, "I can't let you do that Livy, it's no place for a patient in a surgery room if they're not the ones being operated on." She looked completely devastated, and I spoke again, "How about this, I'll go in with him, and I'll hold his hand the whole time, okay?"

"Really? You'll do it?" I nodded and she opened her arms to be hugged, "I'll let them put me into the surgery now."

"Thank you Livy, you're going to be all better after this. I'll go find Mr. Haylin now, okay? Promise me something, you'll live for Mr. Haylin when you leave." She whispered a promise, tears shining in her eyes and I wished her good luck.


At five o'clock on the dot I walked out of the hospital, feeling numb. There was blood coating the bottom half of my scrub top. Mr. Haylin died on the table when he had a small vein burst from the opening in his chest. They were trying to cauterize some of the arteries that had been deteriorating from his disease. It was a risky surgery, but he was terminal so he chose to have it done. He had smiled when I told him Livy had sent me.

His hand was in mine when almost three hours into the surgery, blood began pooling. I jumped into action when the surgeon wasn't able to cauterize quickly enough. I had been sterilized, I had kept my head level and the stress on his body caused his heart to stop. Everything that could have gone wrong went wrong, and I felt awful.

There was nothing else that I could have done, it wasn't my fault, Mr. Haylin had lived a long, beautiful life, and he was ready to go. I hadn't been ready to let him go. I only had lost a few patients in my time as a doctor, but this was hitting me the hardest for some reason. I took my phone out, and was ready to ask James to reschedule when I heard his voice.

"Hey, I thought I'd surprise you." I turned to him, and saw him holding a bouquet of lilacs. He glanced at the blood on my scrubs, and he frowned, "Bad timing?"

"Bad day." I corrected, and walked over to him, accepting the flowers. "Lilacs are my favorite, thank you." I ran a hand through my hair, "I'm a mess right now."

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