The Stars Will Burn For You (Part 2/2)

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JamesXReader, T, 9400 words, references to injuries, blood, stitches, swords, fighting, idea of death, identity reveal, depression, hospitals

Now that the Reader/Fantasia has split ties with James after he broke her trust things have been quiet. Too quiet. When the space between her normal life and Fantasia is forced to close the Reader and the rest of the Cow Chop gang are faced with a dangerous threat. One with a vendetta against Fantasia but all he knows is Fantasia is in the group. The Reader is faced with her identity being protected by the others until she stands up for them all. 

I hope you all liked this extra long piece, I'm working on a request next but I always love for you guys to send them in at all times! It makes me happy to work on stuff you guys want to read. 

As a side note, I wanted your advice. Jakob recently said on one of Trevor's streams that he doesn't want to be drawn in a relationship or a sexual way with anyone from CC. We should all assume this goes for writing too. In an effort to respect that wish, I'm extremely hesitant to write him in a relationship with the reader. What do you guys think? 

Alright, please enjoy the second and final part! This universe was so fun and a tip for anyone sending in requests and prompts; I fucking love AU's and fantasy and stuff like that (I've been wanting to write a soulmate AU at some point for this!)



The next weeks practically flew by. I was working on t-shirt and poster designs and the comic while trying to balance editing. Then there was being a hero, but thankfully things had been relatively quiet on that front. The biggest issue that came up had been a bank robbery that I and another hero had taken care of.

Each time Fantasia was in the news, I saw the relief on James' face when he heard that the fights weren't too bad. Nothing I couldn't take care of with a bag of random first aid stuff from the drug store down the black from Joe, Trevor, and I's house.

Every once in awhile I'd pass James' computer and he'd be looking up any news about Fantasia. He hid it from everyone, and when asked by Jakob if she had been around lately, he said that she was doing okay on her own. He even made up something about her going to the center for help if she needed it.

I kept quiet, never chimed in when she came up, and refused to weigh in on any talk about heroes and villains. I was starting to like keeping my work life and my hero life more separated. Fantasia did her thing, and I did mine. No point in mixing the two.

Brett was the only other person who knew. The center had put out a rule that employers had to be told, and this was after we moved to LA, so I chose to tell Brett. James was obviously ruled out, and Aleks would have insisted we tell James. Brett understood my life a lot more than anyone. He was constantly training, in an effort to learn how to control his strength. I started helping him out sometimes, and eventually he admitted that a few years back he started some vigilante work.

When the whole thing between James and Fantasia ended, Brett had shown up the next day before any of us were even awake. Told me to come on a run with him, and when I agreed he kept a steady pace while telling me that James had called him. I thought Brett was going to be angry, but he had simply said that he understood why I did what I did.

His vigilante persona became a burden, he said that he quit because it made it impossible to be in a real relationship. "One day, you're going to have to make a choice between being Fantasia and being Y/N." He told me quietly. "I got hurt really badly one time, and my girlfriend found out about everything, and broke up with me. She said she couldn't be with a hero, she couldn't watch me get hurt and possibly killed. One day, you're going to have to chose. If you don't, the world will make its choice when you either get exposed or you get killed. Don't let it be either of those."

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