Signed With Ivory Keys and Violin Strings

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AleksXReader, T, 5000 words, references to break-ups, fighting, relationship issues

This is a sort of sequel to the last part I posted, but they can be read separately too. That is to say you don't need to read the last part to read this one. Soulmate AU! is of course still in effect!

Aleks and the Reader have been dating for about a year now. When the Reader gets an amazing opportunity only to pass it up, Aleks thinks he knows what to do to make sure the Reader doesn't miss out. He doesn't exactly go about it in the right way, cue music being the best way to heal two people who are hurting after a fight that was much too big for what happened. 

Thanks to @canigetauhh for the prompt that inspired the last part and now this one (the prompt was referencing the clip of Aleks playing the piano in the Bad E3 video): "so he recently broke up with his gf/bf/whoever, and they used to play the violin. the beginning is the first half of his solo part.,,,,,,, the breakup is newer and he's still in love with the violinist."

I hope you all enjoy this! 


Even though I had a pair of headphones on and my violin in my lap, picking out a soft melody, I could still hear my front door open. Aleks' voice vibrated through the hallway. "Babe! I'm here!" He shouted, and I smiled to myself before pulling my headphones down so that they were around my neck. I wasn't even upset that I'd have to restart the recording, especially not when Aleks peaked into the room, a bouquet of daisies in his hands. "Hey, sorry, did I interrupt?"

I shrugged, "Don't worry about it, I'm just surprised you're here so early." Aleks came over and gave me a quick kiss, offering the flowers, "These are beautiful, thank you." I put my violin into its case, "Come on, I'll put these in water."

He intertwined our fingers as I brought him into my kitchen, "We finished up early and while I could have waited to get here for game night, I didn't feel like waiting." He pressed his lips to my neck as I filled up a vase with water from the sink.

My cheek was pressed against his hair, "You really didn't have to make everyone come over for a game night. I know you're all really busy, with RTX coming up next week and everything." It's not like I wasn't just as busy, I was preparing to be on a couple of panels as a guest plus I was debuting a new EP and announcing my new partnership with RoosterTeeth. I'd be performing at the end of RTX concert. I was swamped.

Aleks hummed, still kissing his way up and down my collarbone, "Well now that Layla had to move to Washington and Justin moved out I know you miss game nights. Plus I'll take any excuse to watch you beat everyone at literally any game."

I sighed, reaching up to run a hand through his hair, "Thank you, Aleks." He wrapped his arms around me, going from sensual to cuddly instantly, "I know we've been busy lately, and with the moves and work it would be way easier to just have a date night, but you thought to get everyone over, and I just. I just really appreciate it."

"Anything to ensure I get laid tonight." He smirked and I rolled my eyes, pushing him away from me, "You're smiling which means you know it's true."

A scoff left me, "Alright, keep on telling yourself that."

Suddenly he was pressed up against me, pushing my front against the kitchen counter just enough to catch me off guard but not hurt me, "You know how you make me feel." He murmured, his lips back against my neck. This boy could flip so quickly sometimes I'd get whiplash. "You know how much I literally always want you."

I smirked, "You're insatiable, you know that?" I asked him.

"Only for you." He said simply, suckling at my skin and I shivered, "Don't act like you're any different. You practically jumped me at work last week."

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