Isn't She Lovely?

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James Wilson/UberhaxornovaXReader, T, approx 3800 words, references to pregnancy and mention of the idea of abortion

Another request! After leaving a very sweet comment, the-elegant-walrus asked for the following: "Also, if would be awesome if you could right an imagine where the reader has been dating James for a while and finds themselves pregnant and is just freaked out b/c they don't if they want kids or not" I hope this works for what you wanted! 

I do not own any piece of Cow Chop and I am simply stating that this is a work of fiction and holds no reality to it beyond being an imagine/reader insert.

Please feel free to send more suggestions and prompts, I really love doing these and like I said last time, it's truly an honor to be asked to do them! I really have been trying my hardest to write stories that follow the prompts, but you can be as vague or specific as you'd like! Even if you just want to see a specific person from Cow Chop in a story, that's totally cool too! Also, to anyone who has already sent prompts, you are more than welcome to send more!

I hope you all enjoy this!


My hands trembled as I stared hard at the white stick in my hands. I kept reminding myself to breathe, "It's going to be okay, you guys used protection, your period's always been inconsistent, and you probably got sick from lunch or something." I whispered to myself, sitting in my bathroom alone. I ran a hand through my knotted and messy hair, having spent the entire day sick and freaking out when I spoke to one of my female friends, who mentioned that my period might be coming. When I checked my calendar, I realized that I was late in comparison to my last one.

Now I was sitting wondering if I was pregnant, and I had no idea how to handle this situation. James and I had been together for almost two years, with one of those being spent living together, and somehow we had never had the talk about kids. We spoke about marriage, something we saw in the future, but the idea of small versions of ourselves running around had not ever been a thought, at least for me.

James has been my only long term relationship, we had met online, playing video games and when we started purposely playing the same games at the same time, having private Xbox Live conversations, our friendship grew. I had been living in New York, trying to find a way to live off of my writing, and the same night I found out my first novel had been picked up to be published and marketed, was the same night James asked me out.

He had admitted that online dating was something he'd never done, and neither had I, but we agreed to try it out. We had never met in person, we didn't have that much to lose at the time. Things progressed quickly, with James flying out for a convention about a month later, and we agreed to meet for dinner. A few months after that I was flying to Colorado, to, in his words, "prove to my asshole friends that you exist and are as beautiful as I say you are."

My book was doing fantastic, I was asked to write a sequel, and there was already talk about a movie, and I finally had my life together. I purposely set up my book tour to land in Denver for two nights, and I made every excuse I could in between to see him. My family loved him, and his family loved me. His mother had invited me to visit, even though James was across the country, James wasn't exactly happy when I went home with a bunch of his baby photos.

Overall, a year passed happily, and James mentioned offhandedly during one of our Skype dates, that he had an extra desk in his house that I could use to work. I had smiled and simply agreed, saying that I had been looking into apartments near him. I didn't have anything really keeping me in New York that wouldn't be there even if I wasn't, and I hated living in the city anyway.

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