Home Is Where People Love You Part 3/3

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BrettXReader, T, 5100 words, references to break-ups, lack of communication, relationship and fears of the future

After breaking up, The Reader attempts to move forward, with help from Trevor and the guys. She learns that she hasn't been told the whole truth, and knows that she needs to confront Brett. Whether or not they can fix things, isn't only her decision though.

This is the last part of what has been a story that has been so much fun to write while simultaneously being a pain in my ass for weeks of attempting to find time to write it. Now that I'm home from my first year of college, though, means I was able to finish it!

I hope the ending doesn't feel too rushed, I really felt like it needed to get to where it did! 

Thanks everyone and I hope you all enjoy!


"Mom? Can I ask you something?" I turned to look at Noah, taking my eyes off of the breakfast I was cooking. Trevor was sitting with him at the table, looking over the list of items he had packed for the camping trip his friend Amir's family had invited him on. I assured him that of course he could ask me anything, and I turned back to finish up the omelet he had requested the night before, "Did you and Brett break up?" I paused briefly, and I could hear Trevor put the papers down.

I flipped the omelet in the pan. It had been almost a month since Brett had left. We hadn't spoken at all, and I refused to see him. Aleks and Trevor had tried to drag me to a game night, but I refused since Trevor let it slip that Brett would be there.

The day after Brett left, I had admitted to Noah that we had fought and I wasn't sure Brett would be around much. That alone seemed to upset Noah, so I couldn't bare to tell him that Brett and I were definitely broken up. "Brett and I had some differences that I don't know can be remedied right now."

"Did he hurt you?" Noah asked quietly.

Flashbacks of the night ran through my head, both of us screaming at each other and crying. "We both hurt each other." I admitted softly.

"That's why you've been so sad, right? And why you don't go out anymore?"

I plated the omelet next to two slices of toast and two of turkey bacon. "Yes, that's why." My voice was timid, almost scared.

"Brett's an asshole, mom, and I hope he rots in hell." Noah muttered.

"Watch your language at the table, Noah." I said quickly, shocked he had spoken like that. "And we don't talk about people like that, for any reason." I admonished, placing the plate in front of him. Noah stared down at the plate.

"He made you cry, he's not allowed to do that." Noah insisted.

I sighed, and leaned down to kiss the top of his head, "I know sweetheart, I made him cry too."

Noah wrapped his arms around my torso, "You're not allowed to be hurt like that, no one is allowed to hurt my mom." He said softly, before grabbing his plate, "I'm eating inside today!" He announced and grabbed the plate form the table, and his cup of orange juice, before heading into the living room and turning the T.V. onto the food network.

"Is he watching Giada?" I asked, and instead of answering me Trevor shrugged.

I sighed and dug into my own plate of food, as Trevor had already finished, "Noah's right you know." Trevor told me softly.

"About which part? That Brett is an asshole? That he should rot in hell? That he isn't allowed to make me cry? That no one is allowed to hurt me?"

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