Worlds Collide and Coffee Burns

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Aleks/ImmortalHDXReader, T, 9100 words, references to stripping, lap dances, accidental cut, blood, stitches

Aleks and the rest of the Cow Chop boys are celebrating Trevor's 21st birthday and Aleks, catches sight of a woman he can't stop thinking about, even after a lap dance and even after that night. Reader doesn't expect to ever see him again, but of course fate brings them back together. It's not her fault that coffee is so damn good and it's not Aleks' fault he knows he can prove he's more than just "a client".

This is a birthday gift (along with a couple more stories that I'm working on for this series) for one of my friends who's been wanting me to use her prompts. I'll be working them in between prompts from you guys as I fill them! 

I hope ya'll like this, please let me know what you think and if you want to, send me some prompts/requests! I try to fill them in order but sometimes I need to sit on it for a bit, but I'll get to them all I promise!

Thank you all for your support!


I knew stripper tricks. Tricks that weren't just dance moves and pole tricks, though I knew many of those too. My specialty lied somewhere else though. I knew every way to get as much money as possible

Never wear black unless the night is themed, wear white instead. The white makes them think your submissive, naive, someone they can lead instead of being made to follow.

If someone makes it rain then there's no point in playing to them anymore. They only ever make it rain when they're ready to leave and even if they're not it's better to move onto something else.

Wigs are a stripper's best friend, I learned that one after someone recognized me in a Starbucks. Never wear a wig too close to your natural hair color, length, or style.

Keep eye contact with anyone who looks promising for as long as possible. Bite your lip, and look away. Mix it up with winks and running your hands through your hair.

Be nice to the bouncers, make sure they can see you if you go to give a lap dance or do rounds.

Don't offer lap dances, make them ask you for it. Make sure they know who's in charge.

Protect your co-workers. Never let a newer girl take on a group of younger guys alone. Especially if they're drinking. Check in on them throughout the night, make sure they're drinking water and eating. Never let someone try and leave alone without checking on them until they're home.

Keep in touch if you ever quit, make sure everyone is okay. They will always be your family. Take care of them.

Never fall for clients.

I'm not always good at following my own tips.


"Yo, Aleks! It's your turn to grab a round!" James called over the pounding music, and Aleks looked up from his phone, seemingly unimpressed.

"Another round? I know we're celebrating T-dog's big 21, but I'm pretty sure he's already wasted." Aleks pointed at Trevor, who was watching some of the dancers on stage with a faraway look in his eyes. James kept insisting, and Aleks finally gave in. "Fine, I'll get the drinks." He muttered under his breath.

When he finally got the bartender's attention he asked for a set of refills for the table they had rented. Thankfully he didn't need to run down the list since it was in the system they used. Aleks turned his back and leaned against the counter while the drinks started being prepared. The song changed to one that Aleks was sure he had heard on his car radio, and the lights moved to be focused on the main catwalk where girls had been dancing throughout the night.

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