Home Is Where People Love You Part 1/3

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BrettXReader, T, 4800 words, References to the idea of abortion, adoption, abandonment of a young child, young mothers (I think that's it! If I missed anything, please let me know!!) Minor NovaHD

Reader is a young mother in college attempting to figure her way through life with her son. She constantly disagrees with a guy in her classes and a friend of her friends, Brett, who can't seem to understand anything about her until and vice versa, until they're all but forced too. 

"He shrugged, "It's just kind of funny, I don't think I've ever deserved an apology less from you." I rolled my eyes, but for some reason my chest felt warm."

Consider this filling all the requests for Brett stories I've received! As always please send in more requests and prompts, I'm trying to start fresh but if you've sent one in before that you'd like filled, feel free to send it again! I'll do my best!

Thank you again to everyone who has supported me while I've been gone, I'm hoping to be back for as long as I can be! 


The person sitting next to me in my Women's Images and Realities class had been tapping their pen against the table for the last twenty minutes, keeping time with the ticking of the clock, and I was about to stick my earbuds in, if only to escape the sound. But I wasn't about to miss out on the lecture Professor Hurley was giving. We had spent our Monday class giving presentations on society's perceptions of Motherhood, and he was going over various things he thought were important to talk about.

Without naming names, he targeted specific claims, knowing no one but the person who wrote them would know it was their claim. To be fair, no one would know because not many people cared about this class, barely paying attention to lectures let alone student presentations. I loved this class, despite my peers obvious distaste for it, so when Professor Hurley brought up someone talking about the stigma of being a young mother, specifically a single young mother.

I straightened in my seat, leaning forward in hopes that I could hear just a bit better. I had always admired Professor Hurley, and his opinion, so I was more than relieved when he seemed to agree with what I was saying, and only brought it up to reiterate some of my points.

Just as he seemed ready to go onto the next point, he was suddenly pointing out into the crowd of students, "Yes, Brett?"

I all but got whiplash as I looked to see one of the other students stand up, as was Professor Hurley's rule when asking a question or giving commentary. Brett stood, a look of disbelief on his face, and I swallowed. Brett was one of the only other people to be vocal in our class, and it wasn't exactly uncommon for us to have differing opinions. "I have a question that may also serve as an opinion on this topic." Brett said easily, and Professor Hurley leaned against his desk, before motioning for Brett to continue. "Right, so are we really supposed to care about these so called single mothers enough to put so many resources into supporting them?"

Professor Hurley raised an eyebrow, "Well to answer your question, first I'd like to clarify something, what do you mean by 'so-called'?"

Brett shrugged, "When we say single, it gives the connotation that the mother is alone and without support, but while obviously a single mother is not romantically involved with anyone, especially not the biological father of the child, it's pretty impossible to say that this automatically means they are without support." He began counting off on his fingers, "There are always family and friends that more often than not will help."

"Even young mothers? Teen mothers?" Professor Hurley countered, and Brett shrugged again, replying easily.

"That's a different story, friends are really out of the question due to age, and family that will help is harder to come by." I felt ready to relax, but he kept speaking. "But, to be fair, If there's a teen mother to-be that doesn't have any help, there are other options besides keeping the baby passed birth. No one is forcing her to keep the child. That could also apply to adult single mothers as well."

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