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Aleks/ImmortalHDXReader, T, approx 4900 words, references to needles, Tattoo ArtistXFlorist AU

Reader has been a tattoo artist since she graduated high school, and has been living in Colorado ever since, quickly followed by her best friends James and Joe. Over the course of a few years, from when she opens her own shop across the street from a flower shop that's owned by a guy named Aleks, to when they finally meet, to when she meets his daughter, to when they become a new family, the two of them slowly but surely fall in love. 

Thank you all so much for the support of the last part (and the series overall, this has gotten more popular than I ever imagined!) it made me feel so much better since I wasn't very confident about that piece. Also, I've been trying to spread out who I write about but this part and the next will both be about Aleks because I got my first request which I am so beyond excited about!!! (They are two separate stories just to clarify!)

I do not own any piece of Cow Chop and I am simply stating that this is a work of fiction and holds no reality to it beyond being an imagine/reader insert.

Please feel free to send me comments, requests, or suggestions, I'd love to write things that you all want to see :)


I pushed my glasses up higher on my nose, and with two more strokes of the machine in my hand, my latest client's piece was finished. I sprayed the area with sterilized water, and wiped it down easily. I looked up to see the guy all but asleep in the chair. I tapped his arm, and got his attention, "Joe, it's finished. You with me man?" I waved my hand in front of his face and he gave me one of his award winning smiles.

"I'm here Y/N, I'm just exhausted, who would have known I would be so tired after just laying here!" I smiled and shook my head as he stood up to get a better look at the new image of a cartoon chick on his calf. "It looks awesome! Damn, I'm so pumped right now!"

Once I turned all my equipment off, I moved to stand next to him, "Yeah, I'm not used to doing new school tattoos, but I had fun with this one, I still can't believe you wanted to get our high school mascot tattooed."

Joe grinned, and twisted his leg to get a better view of the piece, "Hey, it's not just our old mascot, it was my persona for like three years. Plus you know I've always wanted a tattoo, I figured something bright and cute was best for me." I laughed, "I don't think I could pull off something dark like some of those things." He pointed to some pictures of tattoos of skulls and other dark and almost scary images that I had done in the past.

I shrugged, "It's what works for you, and I think it's awesome that you aren't trying to have something like that." I smirked and crossed my arms, "I still think that doing a chicken that borders on nightmare fuel would have been cool too, but this is good enough." I teased and Joe stuck his tongue out at me, "Come on up front, I'll ring you up, and then it's time for me to close up. Everyone else is gone anyway."

He followed me to the front, a shit-eating grin on his face, "Let me guess, another date with the florist?" I could feel my face heat up, "What is this, the fifteenth date?"

"Shut up Joe, it's not a date. His kid just likes me a lot and she likes when I come over to watch disney movies and stuff. Sofia just needs a friend that isn't a guy, and somehow that's become me. It's hardly a date when Aleks and I can barely talk without Sofia interrupting."

Joe shook his head, "You can drop the act in front of me, Y/N, we both know you love Sofia, and I don't blame you, she's a little darling. You don't have to spend time with her, you do it because you think she's great." I didn't bother to try and hide my smile. Joe was a hundred percent right in everything he said, Sofia was one of the sweetest, smartest, and adorable ten year olds I'd probably ever met. "There's that smile I know and love." He teased, poking my cheek and I rolled my eyes, he knew that underneath my tough exterior I was a total softie. Hell, all of my employees knew I was, but when your a female in the tattoo industry, you're sometimes forced to keep it up, years of apprenticeship and dealing with people who didn't think I was half the artist I was did that to me.

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