Behind Unsaid Words

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JoeXReader, T, approx 5400 words, references to storms, hail, and potential car crashes

Another request story! @SkyBlueNova commented with this request: "Could you write an imagine where there's a hail storm and tornado warning (like in the climbing turtles behind the cow chop video) and the reader is driving through it to get to the cow chop house and Joe is extremely worried about the readers safety and keeps checking outside for her car to pull up until she finally makes it there safely and he's so happy that she's alright."

It's really funny because when I watched that video, I was considering writing something based on that part, so when I got this I was so excited! I didn't expect it to get as long as it did, honestly I thought it was going to be a lot shorter but I got a bit carried away (as usual lol) But I hope this is what you were looking for!

Note: I switched perspectives (some parts are in first person reader's perspective, while others are third person and focus on Joe more)but I put a page break between each switch so hopefully it isn't confusing to read. I wanted to try something a little different for me to write so I hope this came out well. 

I do not own any piece of Cow Chop and I am simply stating that this is a work of fiction and holds no reality to it beyond being an imagine/reader insert.

I hope you all enjoy reading this, if you have any comments, suggestions, or requests please leave them for me, I love getting them and I love writing them even more :)


The tapping of Joe's foot kept perfect time with the sound of hail pelting the front door. His lip was caught in his teeth, staring out the window, his eyes on the road entering the cul de sac. He toyed with his phone in his hands, and behind him, Aron and Trevor shared worried looks.

Joe had been standing there ever since he had gotten James and Aleks to come inside, and now the two of them were warming up with hot showers.

There had been a tornado warning issued an hour prior, the hail storm was only getting worse, and everyone was being told to keep off of the streets. The news said to get home as quickly as possible and to tape up the windows with X's. Joe had grown up in Pennsylvania, he was used to bad storms, and was the first one to start following through with the tape. He had been the one to get everyone inside, and to make sure all the cars were locked and closed.

While Aron and Trevor took care of the upstairs, Joe had worked on getting James and Aleks to "Get the fuck inside!" in his words, and then moved all the equipment to a more secure room. Once he was sure everyone was safe and sound, that they had food in the fridge, that they had candles in case the power went out and they needed to save their phone batteries, and that all unsaved work was saved, he decided to call his girlfriend.

He sat on the Cow Chop couch, and grabbed his phone, dialing the number. When she didn't pick up immediately, which was odd for her, he felt anxiety begin to settle in the pit of his stomach. "Hey Y/N, it's me, Joe, um, the weather is getting really bad. I know you said you were going to come here after you left. Call me back please, everything's okay on my side." He sat there, phone limp in his hand, unsure and nervous.

Trevor then stuck his head into the room, "Hey, did Y/N leave her office yet?"

Joe shrugged, suddenly more frazzled than he was before, "I don't know, she didn't pick up her phone. She always picks up her phone, what if she's still at the studio? What if she still hasn't left? What if she's in the middle of this storm?" Trevor's eyes widened slightly before he stepped closer to Joe.

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