Patiently, Nervously, Carefully Waiting For You

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TrevorXReader, T, approx 5700 words, High School AU!

This was another really great request (and of course I wrote way more than I expected) uberhaxcrnova left this request "I JUST HAD THIS REALLY CUTE IDEA BUT COULD YOU WRITE ONE WHERE TREVOR HAS A SUBTLE CRUSH ON THE READER AND HES LIKE "lmao what color are we wearing to prom we have to match right?" and reader's like "what???" and Trevor's like "i forgot to ask you darn"" I loved this one so much tbh.

I do not own any piece of Cow Chop and I am simply stating that this is a work of fiction and holds no reality to it beyond being an imagine/reader insert.

This is the last request I've gotten so I'd love to get some more! As always they can be as specific or vague as you want, I honestly have such a great time writing what you guys want so never be afraid to leave me one or as many as you want! If you have any comments, suggestions, or requests please leave them for me, I love getting them and I love writing them even more :)


"Scene!" I immediately fell out of character, taking a step to my right as our student director, Trevor, called for us to stop. I cracked my tired neck and grinned at everyone else on stage. This was the first time we had been able to get through the entire first act without needing to stop. "That was great everyone! I'm sorry we were here so late, but now we can focus on getting through the other acts." I giggled at the exhausted sighs from everyone around me, and Trevor smiled despite it, "Thanks for all your hard work, have a good weekend!"

I waved goodbye to some of the other students that were taking part in the spring musical. One of my co-stars, James, walked up to me as I said goodbye to one of the juniors, "Hey Y/N! Nice job today." He offered me a high five and I accepted it, out hands slapping together easily. "Hey, we're getting better and better at that!"

Laughter shook my body, "We did it about twenty times today, I'd be worried if we couldn't get it right after all that." James was playing the brother of my character, and during the opening number we were lamenting about the way our town was slowly falling apart, joining hands in a high five when we agreed to stick by each other despite it all. "But seriously, you were awesome today, I swear, you've gotten so good at the second number, you're going to outshine me." James rolled his eyes and went to retort, only to be cut off by someone else.

Aleks walked up to us, his backpack slung on one shoulder, "Yeah right, this loser can't hold a candle to you sis." Aleks was also in the show, playing the character that James was going to fall in love with, something that I could see hit a bit close to home for both of them. He reached out to ruffle my hair but I ducked away. As he tried to reach me again James jokingly swatted at his arm, "Hey, knock it off!" Aleks whined, and James shook his head, "You're going to be uninvited to game night if you don't fuck off already!"

"Alright you two, calm down, Aleks you can't uninvite James since it's my house too, and James stop antagonizing Aleks." The two of them begrudgingly left each other alone, and I finished packing my stuff, "Where are the other guys? It's late and I want to go home and play video games." Just as James went to speak up, we were joined by Joe, Brett, Aron, and Trevor. "Hey guys, I was just asking where you were."

"I had to make sure all the equipment was off, since someone insisted we have full lighting for a fucking rehearsal. Then everyone else flakes out since it's friday at seven o'clock." Aron muttered and Trevor was gracious enough to apologize.

He ran a hand over his buzzed short hair, "Look, I'm sorry man, this is the first time the school has let a student direct a student written show, the earlier we can get full run throughs done, the less we'll be here this late and later than this."

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