A Heart Bursting With Flower Petals

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AsherXReader, T, 7500 words, references to piercings and a depiction of getting piercings

Someone from the warehouse has been leaving Reader flowers for months. Each time the flowers are filled with meaning and no one knows who has been leaving them. Reader has chosen to not find out, allowing the secret admirer to stay secret as long as they want. Not everyone agrees with this choice though. In particular the one person Reader is hoping is the one leaving the flowers. Why would he try and out himself though? Ft. Filming a video where Reader turns Asher into a human punk-edit because why not? 

"Trevor came over, pretending to film me, "Will this finally make you admit that you like Asher?" He whispered.

I glared at him and covered my mic with my hand, "Shut up, he'll hear you!" I hissed.

Trevor grinned, "Does that mean yes?"

"I regret ever telling you that I think piercings are hot." I mumbled, my face warm."

This story is brought to you by your resident Soft PunkTM who loves flowers and flowers meanings 

Thank you for all your support, please as always feel free to leave me comments and prompts/requests. It makes me really happy to see what ya'll want me to write!

Please enjoy <3


The only sound in my apartment that morning was my pen scraping in my notebook. My knees were pulled up to my chest as I sat against my headboard, jotting down ideas for a new skit. James had offered me the opportunity to write and direct a new RoosterTeeth First show and even though I had weeks before he even wanted a pitch, I was already excited to get started.

"Hey! Y/N?" I popped my head up, seeing Joe in the doorway to my room. "Trevor and I are ready to go, you wanna ride with us?" I smiled and shook my head.

"I'm going to take my bike. I've got to pick up all the dye stuff, thanks though!"

Joe chuckled, "Asher is going to fucking hate you after today."

I grinned in response, "He shouldn't have opened his big fucking mouth." Much like he'd gotten his nipple pierced because of an offhanded comment, during a charity livestream he said that if we hit a certain amount he'd become a real life punk edit. "Besides, I know what I'm doing and I won't fuck him up too badly."

He gave me a look that told me he didn't believe me, "Alright Y/N, whatever you say. We'll see you there!" I waved and after a few minutes the front door slammed shut. I finished up writing notes and packed my bag up with my notebook, laptop, phone, keys, and a water bottle. I grabbed the brown paper bag that I had put next to the front door, and bounded out the door.

I took my bike out of the garage, and put the brown bag into the basket I had attached to the front. I got on and began peddling out into the street, staying towards the edge of the street and picking up the bike lane once I got onto a busier street. I breathed in the early morning air, letting my chest puff out before letting the air leave me slowly.

People could say whatever they wanted about LA, but to me the air right at this time in the morning was chilled and sweet. The weather could be too hot constantly and it rains randomly with no warning but these morning were amazing. Trevor and I had grown up together as cousins. Our moms being sisters and best friends and we were both pretty quiet so naturally we were thrown together.

I was a couple of years older, but Trevor kept up and with how shy I had always been, he would drag me around the playground and would give his best effort to make me friends my own age. It was fine when it didn't work out, Trevor was my best friend, and that was more than enough. We both wanted to work in film, but I took the college route and finished early and just in time for Trevor to get asked to work for Cow Chop.

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