I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Part 1/2)

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BrettXReader, T,  6000 words approx, References to mental illness, drinking, clubbing, jealousy

They were seemingly inevitable, Reader and Brett. They've tiptoed around each other since the Colorado days but Brett never took Reader up on anything. Somewhere caught between being together and not they've been okay despite the uncertainty. And Brett's ever present jealousy issues. Sometimes commitment isn't about being together, but being willing to wait for your partner to be ready, and fuck it all if Reader isn't willing to wait. Thankfully a weekend trip might finally speed it all up. 

This was started before Joe left and I didn't have the heart to take him out. Any further pieces will be without him unless it's a request. 

Uhh whoops sorry for being the literal worst and continuously dropping off the face of the earth for months and then coming back. This time I unpublished all of the parts and reposted them in the middle of a really strange time in my life. It's still kinda going on, but uh, I'm doing my best. I won't make any promises I can't keep especially with the spring semester starting literally tomorrow, but I'll continue to do my best. 

Thank you all for reading <3


"Welcome back to another episode of CCTV, in this edition everything was voted on by the fans!" Brett exclaimed once he was given the go-ahead from Lindsey and Trevor, "We said that the fans could vote on which location we'd return to, a special fifth guest, and we let everyone submit questions that were also voted one and now we're here!"

He gestured to the surrounding park we were in, and then motioned to me. I held up a peace sign, and then saluted the camera, "What's up?" I said simply, reaching out to pet Ein. The fans had voted us to go back to the park, on the condition that we brought the dogs again.

Brett explained as much, and then turned back to me, "Then you guys voted to bring Y/N on for the first time, welcome to the podcast, Y/N."

I sat up slightly, keeping myself propped up with my arms behind me, "Thanks for having me, but what y'all didn't realize is that I've been on every single podcast to date. Just like, not on camera."

"What? How do you figure that?" James questioned from the other side of Brett.

I gave him a look of disbelief, "My music you dumbass." I told him and James tried to swat at me, "Yeah, uh for those of you that don't know I'm technically a part of RoosterTeeth before I'm a part of Cow Chop."

Brett nodded, "The truth comes out, Y/N, you started making music for RT a few years before you joined us as an editor and cameraperson." I nodded, "Nice, we should also introduce the rest of our cast today. I'm Brett, we've got James, Joe," He pointed to Joe who was sitting next to me, and then to Aleks who was on the other side of Joe, "And Aleks. We've also got the doggos, plus a special doggo that doesn't want to be on camera quite yet."

"My dog, Jessie, is here, but she literally won't get on camera. We tried to get some b-roll footage but she kept running away. She's big and exists though." I promised the audience.

"I'm pretty sure Jessie is the biggest dog I've ever, like actually met." Joe said, busy also petting Ein.

I shrugged, "When I decided to get a dog back in Colorado, I knew I really wanted a big dog, so I got Jessie when she was only a few months old but even then she was fucking huge." I held my hand out to where she was lying next to Jakob, "Jessie, come on girl." She put her paws over her eyes, "Alright then. This is really cramping my master plan of what was going to happen when the fans voted for me."

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