Chapter 24

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Abby's POV


I saw Stephanie's lifeless face. I dropped the food on the floor and ran to her. "STEPHANIE PLEASE COME ON FIGHT. You can do it. STEPHANIE PLEASE."I said with tears pouring. Then I remembered something

FLASHBACK (when they were 12)
I tried waking Stephanie up. But she was such a deep sleeper. Then 30 minuets later she woke up. "I tried waking you up but you were knocked out."I said laughing. "Haha. Just remember this anytime I'm in a deep sleep just sing. Baby baby baby ohh. I don't know what it is I just love that song."she said. We laughed and I nodded. We were big beliberers


"And I was like baby baby baby ohh like baby baby baby ohh like baby baby baby ohh I thought you always be mine. Mine."I sung through my tears. Then I heard beeping sounds again. I looked up and saw Stephanie's green eyes. "STEPHANIE"i screamed so load I'm sure China heard. "Baby baby baby ohh"she said. I laughed though my tears.

"I can't lose you"I said. "Don't worry I'm not leaving you"she said smiling. "Welp let's just skip breakfast. Because I'm pretty sure I'm about to throw up"I said. We laughed.

After a while we watched pretty little liars on Netflix. We love that show. I always cry when I find out who A is. Haha. I'm so weird. After the show I saw Hayes come in. "Can we talk in the hall."he said. I nodded and walked out there. "Yes?"I said. "You need to come out of here. You've been here for a week."he said. "Hayes my best friend could die if cancer any moment now."I said. "Just come to Starbucks in the hospital with me "he said. And grabbed my hand.

We got downstairs and sat at the Starbucks. "Nothing going to happen to her while your gone"he said putting his hand in my thigh. I nodded and gave him a peck on the lips. We ordered and ate some donut's and some coffee. Then something didn't feel right. "ALL AVAILABLE DOCTORS TO ROOM 102"the intercom said.

Oh no thats Stephanie's room number. Hayes was leaning in for another is and I basically pushed him away. And I wasn't going to take forever on the elevator so I took the stairs. I ran so fast and I didn't trip. Do once when I go to her room there was a bunch of doctors. And I saw a dead Stephanie. My heart stopped.

"NOO STEPH PLEASE COME BACK. PLEASE STEPHANIE I NEED YOU. PLEASE!!"I screamed/cried. "mam you can't be in here."a nurse said to me. I pushed her out the way. "Fuck you"I said. I ran over to Stephanie. She's not coming back. She disconnected her own tubes. Why would she do that.

The doctors made me get out so I went to the waiting room. I sat in the chair and put my head in my hands and cried. Then I saw Hayes sit next to me. "Abby-"he started. "leave me alone."i said. Everything actually hurt. Then a nurse walked up and handed me a paper.
It said:

Dear Abigail,

Hey. It's Stephanie. By now I'm probably dead. I didn't want you to see me die so I did it when you left. I'm a bomb (the fault in our stars.😭) and we both knew I was going to die sooner or later. Well I pick sooner. Dont blame anyone. It was my choice. I love you Abby your my best friend and you always will be no matter what. Stay with hayes he's good to you. Tell him that if he hurts you I will haunt him. Haha. Just kidding. But hayes loves you and you love him. You were the only one that cared when I was going through hard times. Even my own mother didn't care but you were always there. Never forget to love yourself. Your amazing and you deserve every good thing. Don't cry because I'm dead. Celebrate the time that I was alive. I will watch over you and help you with your problems.

See you in heaven babe, Stephanie Grace. (Your best friend.)

Wow. Stephanie really is gone. Bit in not going to cry. Just remember the good times. I cant. This is so sad. First my dad now my best friend. Then I feel strong arms wrapped around me. Hayes has tears in his eyes from reading the note. "I'm sorry"he said. "It's not your fault"I said back.

Well this day sucked.

Sorry if I made anyone cry.

I cried myself and it's my book. I'm so weired.

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