Chapter 29

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Hayes POV

Abby and Nash are dating!? We broke up like an hour ago. What the hell. She jumped on Nash like she used to do to me. I don't think she's forgiving me any time soon. Kaitlyn kissed me and I thought it was Abby until I opened my eyes. But I don't deserve Abby. She's amazing. But every time we make eye contact she give me a look them looks away.

I went up to our room and got on my phone. I saw comments like;

@JuliyOller Hayes since you and Abby are broken up. We can date?

@Hayesisbae Finally!!! Your to good for her

@Magconis_perfect I'm so sorry it didn't work out babe.

Everyone was tweeting me so much. I just turned my phone off and looked at the roof. Then Abby walked in and grabbed her blankets and pillows. I guess she's sleeping on the couch. Then I heard her and nash talking in the hallway.

"Cameron's at Aarons so let's have a sleepover in my room" Nash said
"Thanks so much Nash your a great for friend." She said

Then I heard there footsteps go away. I put my night clothes on and got in my bed. I can't do this. I walked in Nash's room and Abby was in Cameron's bed and Nash was in his. "What?" Nash said. "I thought Katlyn was you I swear. I'm so so sorry. I pushed her off right when it wasn't you. Please Abby forgive me"

She got up. I thought she was coming to hug me but no. She kicked me in my stomach and slammed the door in my face. I started walking back to my room but Sky stopped me." Why did you make Abby sad."she said. "How did you know." I asked.

"She told me that she loves you so much but you don't love her. And then she cried." She said. "I do love her. Don't worry about it. Go back to sleep." I said ruffling her hair. Then she walked to her room and I walked to mine.

Today has been the worst day ever. I looked over at Abby's empty bed. And I saw her phone. She left her phone. Don't be a stalker,don't be a stalker. Fuck that. I grabbed her phone and put in her password. And I got on her messages. And she got a new one. From:Skye. Who's skye? Oh Daniel 

Skye:Sorry about Hayes. Can you come over in the morning?

Why does Daniel want her to come over? I was going to text him but then she would know I was on her phone. I looked thew her other messages.

Brandon:Hey what's up

Abby:Nothing much Hayes just cheated on me hbu

Brandon:I'm sorry Abby

Abby:Its fine I kinda expected it. I mean he has millions of other fans why would he want me. Anyways I gtg. Bye

Brandon: bye

I want her because she's my everything. She's pretty and nice. I heard someone at the door and I put her phone on the nightstand and pretended I was asleep. I barely opened my eyes and saw abby. She got her phone and I closed my eyes again. It was silent then I felt her kiss me on my cheek then she left.

I dont need her.

*The next morning*
Abby's POV

I woke up in Cameron's bed. It was pretty early and no one was awake. I got up to make breakfast. On my way downstairs I stopped at my door. I cracked it and saw Hayes asleep hugging his pillow. He was so cute. No don't think that he cheated on you.

I walked downstairs and made egg,bacon, pancakes, French toast, and cinnamon rolls. It smelt so good. "BREAKFAST!" I yelled everyone came running down the stairs. Except for Hayes. "Thanks Abby" sky said as I handed her a plate. Everyone made there plates then sat at the table.

Then Hayes came downstairs. He grabbed a bowl and made cereal. "I made breakfast you know" I said "Did you poison it" he said rudely . Why was he being so rude. "I should of." I said. He made his cereal then went back upstairs. I sighed and finished my breakfast.

I walked to my to and saw Hayes laying on his bed on his laptop. I rolled my eyes. And sat on my bed logging into twitter.

#AbigailDallas I'm bored someone hmu. Well someone who hasn't ruined my life.

I posted it. Then I heard Hayes phone ding. He looked over at me and I smiled. "Your so childish." He said. "Why are you being such a jerk your the one that cheated on me." I said. "The same reason your being such a bitch." He said. This nigga just called me a bitch.

"I can't believed I actually liked you" I said then left the room. I just wanted to be alone. I walked down the road and walked and walked until i to the cemetery. I walked up to Stephanie's grave.

"Hey Steph, Right now I really need a girl talk. Hayes and I broke up. He's being a real jerk about it. I miss you so much. I don't have any friends that are girls. I need to make some but im scared they won't like me. I just need you so much right now. I need Hayes. But he doesn't love me anymore. I remember when we first met. The big girls were being mean to me and you stood up for me. And you ate lunch with me every single day. I'm sorry this happened to you it should of been me. Sometimes I just want to be up there with you. Well thanks for the talk. I love you so much. Bye." I said with tear steaming down my face.

I started to walk home when I noticed a man following me. I walked a bit faster. Then he started to run. I ran to. He finally got to me and grabbed me by my waist. I was screaming and trying to get out of his grip. Then he banged my head on his car and everything went black.

Hayes POV

Abby has been gone for 5 hours. I'm worried. I do need her. And I regret being mean to her. I ran into Nash's room. "NASH ABBY HAS BEEN GONE FOR 5 HOURS AND IM WORRIED." I screamed. "What!?" He said. He ran downstairs and told out mom. She called the cops.

"Nash let's go look for her at the cemetery" I said. We got in Nash's car and speeded there. She wasn't there. But I saw something on the ground on the sidewalk. It was her phone covered in blood. My arms got week. It looked like she was about to text me it said:

Abby:Help dhdjebdjkrjd

I showed Nash. "Why would she even leave the house." Nash said. "Because I pissed her off. And now she got kidnapped and she could be dead and it was all my fault." I said.

I am the worst person in the entire world.


Thanks for reading (:


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