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Harry didn't come to pick her up this morning.

It's the first time in months that Marley has to take the bus. And she shivers as she stands at the stop sign a few houses down.

Normally there's other people here. But their parents probably drove them because it's fucking cold outside.

But Harry didn't come to pick her up this morning. So here she is.

Marley bounces on her toes in an attempt to keep herself moving. But it's no use. She's cold and the longer she stands here the more she misses Harry's heated seats and his warm fingers laced with hers on the middle console.

Tears prick her eyes as she thinks about yesterday. Hates herself for not just fucking saying it to him.

Harry, I love you. See? It's not that hard. Four words and maybe she wouldn't be standing here in the cold right now.

When the bus finally comes, six minutes late, Marley prays that it's warm inside. But it's not. At least, not enough.

She would have skipped today but her house was cold too. Not as awful as before, since her power was finally turned back on, but she learned that keeping it a few degrees colder saved a ton on the bill. So she sort of has no choice.

But thank goodness the school is warm because if not Marley would probably break down. Especially with her overactive emotions now that Harry has left her feeling worse than she has in a long time.

But then it gets worse. Because she spots Harry down the hall. A beanie on his head as he walks toward their first class. He doesn't stop to wait for her by her locker. Or even try to look for her in the crowd.


Marley pulls her bottom lip between her teeth and bites down. Hard. Tears brimming in her eyes but she won't let them spill over. Not here. Not with all of these people just waiting to make fun of her weakness.

The warning bell rings and she scurries toward her locker before throwing her unneeded things inside.

She's one of the last people to make it to the classroom. Just as the late bell rings. And everyone finds a seat.

But the one next to Harry is occupied. Where she normally sits.

And she tries not to feel. She tries so hard. But quiet tears escape as she approaches the only open seat left. All the way in the back.

She holds her breath as she passes him. Half hoping he will take her hand. And pull her back. Stand up and wipe her tears. Tell the boy sitting in her seat to get lost.

But he doesn't even look up when she passes.

Ouch. Maria laughs. See? I told you he'd break your heart.

She settles into her seat just as the teacher starts class. Something about an in-class essay. But she doesn't pay attention. Her eyes are focused on the boy a few seats ahead of her and a row over.

She gazes at the way he hunches over his desk. The broadness of his shoulders. The few short hairs that stick out under the beanie he has yet to be yelled at for and taken off.

And she  thinks of the day she cut his hair. How lighthearted she felt to be around him. Now all of that is drained away and Marley is left feeling hollow.

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