Episode 2: The Lich King vs Nightmare

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World of Warcraft versus Soulcalibur! It's ice versus fire with these two wielders of cursed swords! Will Frostmourne shatter Soul Edge, or will the Evil Sword set the Lich King aflame?


Wiz: Cursed blades. These artifacts wield and give their wielders tremendous power, but the toll they take on their wielders is equally tremendous: their souls.

Boomstick: But they eat other souls and make you a badass nonetheless! Like Arthas Menethil, the Lich King.

Wiz: And Nightmare, the symbol of destruction.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.



Wiz: Long ago, in the world known as Azeroth, a demonic threat known as the Burning Legion existed. They wished to conquer the world, but to do this, they had to create a weapon, a force that, when in the hands of the right wielder, would eradicate any who the Legion would deem a threat.

Boomstick: It was called Frostmourne, and it was really freaking cool! Ha, get it? Cool?

Wiz: Suuuurrrreeee, why not? Frostmourne was made, along with a suit of armor, to contain Ner'zhul, the current Lich King. However, not wanting to be a pawn of the Legion, Ner'zhul devised a plan to escape. He thrust Frostmourne into the ice, and waited for whoever would take it up.

Boomstick: And who would be a better host than the freaking pretty boy? Ner'zhul saw potential in said pretty boy and chose him to be his agent to exact revenge on his creators.

Wiz: The potential agent for the Lich King was known as Arthas Menethil, the crown prince of Lordaeron who was on a quest to stop an undead plague. Hungering for vengeance against the undead for destroying most of his homeland, Arthas sought out Frostmourne.

Boomstick: Theeeeen he found it and killed all the zombies. Aaaand then he killed his own army and turned them into undead. AND THEN he went back to the homeland he wanted to avenge and killed everyone in there, including his father. Seriously, what the f*ck is with this sword?

Wiz: Actually, the moment Arthas made contact with Frostmourne, his soul was claimed by the blade, effectively making him Ner'zhul's agent. Losing his sanity, Arthas returned to Lordaeron and let the Undead Scourge loose throughout the land with his blade. For a time, Arthas served the Lich King's will...

Boomstick: Uuuuntil he became the new Lich King and he killed the old Lich King and killed a kid who tried to stop him from being the Lich King. Seriously, EVEN IN HIS FREAKING DREAMS THIS GUY IS INSANE.

Wiz: Becoming the new Lich King and the dominant personality of him, Arthas sat himself on the Frozen Throne and remained dormant, and would later awaken and take up his blade when lust for power came upon him.

Boomstick: Speaking of blades, his sword is called Frostmourne, if you didn't know already. It'll suck the soul put of you...literally. I mean, it can absorb souls! It can even cut through other weapons like a lightsaber. Oh, and did I mention it could cut through F*CKING BUILDINGS?

Wiz: It can also be implied that Frostmourne exists on both the physical and astral planes of existence, as it is capable of harming any supernatural being.

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