Episode 24: Jotaro Kujo vs Yu Narukami (Season 2 Finale)

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure vs. Persona! Two young men with the power to fight with the very manifestations of their inner selves will finally clash. Who will win? Who will die?


Wiz: The self. A very interesting topic in the vast field of psychology, many have sought to unravel the many secrets of the inner self...and today, in this Season Finale, we bring you two young men who have given their very inner selves life, shape, and physical form.

Boomstick: How do they fight with their inner selves, you ask? They summon them as badass fighting specter guardian angels, that's how! We bring you Jotaro Kujo, the Heritage of the Future...

Wiz: And Yu Narukami, the Wild Card. We are aware that as a Wild Card, Yu can potentially summon well over a hundred Personas, so for this Season Finale, we will only be giving Yu the Personas he most commonly uses.

Boomstick: He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick!

Wiz: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle.



Wiz: The uncanny and powerful Joestar family is, well...bizarre. For generations, they'd been fighting the forces of the supernatural, including vampires, zombies, and ancient, immortal beings.

Boomstick: Wow. Talk about a badass family tradition.

Wiz: Fast forward to the year 1987, the youth known as Jotaro Kujo would find himself in jail for beating up a band of thugs. This was because he turned himself over, fearing that he'd been possessed by an evil spirit.

Boomstick: Turns out that this evil spirit wasn't your run-of-the-mill ghost or evil messenger or invisible vampire or Slenderman. Oh, no. Hell, this thing ain't even an evil spirit!

Wiz: After a visit from his grandfather Joseph Joestar, who happens to have been the one to defeat an ultimate lifeform or something, Jotaro learned of the nature of the "evil spirit" who'd seemingly possessed him. This was a Stand, an entity representative of its user's life force, and could be summoned to fight alongside its user.

Boomstick: After learning about the crazy nature of his Stand, Jotaro decided to join ol' Joseph and some friends they picked up, to hunt for some century-old vampire guy named DIO, who happens to be the king of JoJo memes.

Wiz: The group that Jotaro and Joseph eventually formed was called the Stardust Crusaders, a ragtag band of Stand users whose quest was to hunt down and kill DIO, and finally put to rest the legacy of the first JoJo, Jonathan Joestar.

Boomstick: Their adventures involved facing a sh*tton of other Stand users, playing a poker game where souls were being bet on, getting stuck in a dream-like world thanks to a stand called Death 13, and lots more weird sh*t. A truly bizarre adventure indeed.

Wiz: And Jotaro was able to pull through to the end, largely thanks to his own abilities. On his own, Jotaro possesses superhuman strength, durability, and reflexes, and even as a child, he was able to take down a grown man, who could use a Stand.

Boomstick: He once got stabbed through the gut by an evil Stand and survived, no problem! He's also tanked thousands-no, scrap that-MILLIONS of supernatural punches! From DIO himself!

Wiz: He is also fast enough to react to the Stand Hierophant Green, whose tentacles can extend to a range of 40 meters, and can move at incredible speeds itself.

Boomstick: But that ain't Jotaro's main thing. His main power is his very own Stand, Star Platinum! Who's basically purple Tarzan in lots and LOTS of steroids.

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