Sparky! ! !

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Diamond POV:

The Next morning

I wake up the next morning, with nobody. I peek outside the door and see Leonardo sitting down with Sparky. I feel a little angry. I put on tank top, leggings and converses. I walk out of the room and still see Leonardo with Sparky.

He was about to say hi, but I already walked out the door. I was starving, so I ran down to breakfast. I smelt bacon, pancakes, sausages, eggs, all the food you could think of. For breakfast of course. I race to the line.

After I finished breakfast, I noticed I have a few plates. The assistants were holding them though, so I didn't have to worry about it. I made my ice coffee with sugar and the assistants and I walk back to my home.

I opened the door and looked to the left. I see Leonardo sitting down with Sparky. Again. Lord help me, before I kill Sparky. I don't want to kill him but he is making it very hard not to kill him. Anyway, I walk back to my room. Not our room. Because someone. Cough. Cough. Leonardo. Has another room. In the living with his new best friend.

The assistants walk behind me carrying my food. I sit on the bed, while they place the food on the bed as well. I had like 7 plates of food and 2 ice coffee. I wish I had 3. But. I don't. After about 5 to 7 minutes, every plate was finished. But now I know I have to workout, I'll do that later.

I took a nap for about to hours and got back up. I peek out the door. Again. To see. Leonardo and Sparky. Again. OK that's it. I walk in there stomping my feet. I turn to Leonardo and Sparky. " Morning Baby!". He says. " Don't Baby me you Stronzo!". ( Asshole )

" What happened Diamond!". He says getting up from his seat. I back away a little. " U better pick one, Me or Sparky". He lifted an eyebrow. " The Ocelot!". He nodded. " Which one!". I say even more angry.

Who should he choose, leave a comment. 😊😊😊

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