8: I do not always wear black!

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I was awake but my eyes were still closed, I just kept on hearing an annoying ringtone in the background. it was very disturbing, and I was trying to sleep. I didn't mind smashing whatever was making that noise to the wall.
I wasn't ready to get up yet, I was still lying on the bed trying to remember how I slept off the night before, but I couldn't put things together.
I remembered going to Nathan's party, meeting Kess, then drinking beer, meeting Nathan and more beer, that was all my mind could reveal to me, I couldn't remember anymore.

It took me up to some good minutes to realize that the annoying sound playing in the background was my ringtone.

I shot my eyes open immediately and tried to sit up and immediately, a mighty gush of pain rushed into my head, it was a head attack.
I don't care if there's a word like that but that was how it felt like. Weakening! Almost pushing me back to the bed. Ugh! Hangovers are terrible things to deal with, but yet my phone still kept on ringing. Who the hell still kept calling me when I wasn't picking up. Desperate much?

I searched for my phone inside my bag and when I found it, I picked it without checking who was calling

"Where the hell are you guys" a voice screamed almost bursting my eardrums and I regretted picking the call that moment.

"Why there hell are screaming this early morning?" I could've have screamed if not for this massive headache I was having.

"Early morning?" I could hear the person scoff "Are you crazy? Where are you and why is Chelsea not here also?"

When she mentioned Chelsea, I definitely knew who it was, my manager Kelly. I brought the phone off my ears to check the time and I gasped. It was already 12 and I have morning shift on Saturdays that starts by nine and I was freaking late. Not even late, I had missed my shift.

"Cheryl are you even listening to me" I could hear Kelly scream

"Kinda! Um....my shift is almost over" I said hoping she would let me off the hook but sadly Kelly isn't that kind

"If you don't bring your butt down here in the next 30 minutes, I swear you're fired"

"Whatever" I put off the call and sighed greatly. There was no way I was going to work today, not with my head banging this hard.

I studied my surrounding and it was very unfamiliar, this wasn't my room as far as I can tell. This room was too big, way too neat and way too plain to be my room. The bed was bigger and softer and I didn't have paintings on my wall. I had posters of Justin Beiber and of kpop stars, BTS, EXO and SHINee to be exact. So this wasn't my room.
I got down from the bed and took my bag along with me, I walked out the door on a journey to find where exactly I had slept. My journey didn't seem to be very difficult because just at the sight of the messy surrounding I definitely knew it had to be Nathan's house.

Red plastic cups were lying here and there, empty squeezed can drinks and I think I even saw a puddle of vomit, Ewww! Whoever is going to clean this mess damn has a lot of work to do

If only I knew

I heard some noise in the kitchen, like water rushing or something and I  walked towards there to find Nathan scrubbing the sink

"What are you doing?" I asked him

"Someone puked here" he replied and chuckled at the way I scrunched my nose up in disgust

"So how did I end up spending the night and the next morning here"

"You passed out after downing almost 6 cans of beer. How's the hangover?" He had an amused look on his face.

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