35: Unanswered Questions

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It was a Monday morning and I was psyching myself to get ready for school.

From the very moment I opened my eyes, I had been checking my phone every five minutes or thereabout.

If you'd ask me why?

Eric hadn't called me or texted me at all since Saturday and I had called him a few times but I kept getting his voice mails. So I just concluded with the fact that he actually went for his own grocery shopping on Sunday and left his phone at home and when he returned he was so tired that he slept without checking his phone at all. So now he's going to wake up Monday morning and see all my missed calls then he'll call me back.

But isn't it time for him to wake up by now....

Unfortunately, all that was my wishful thinking, I don't think anything like that happened, but I still wished that was the case because I'm seriously waiting for him to call me back but nothing. No calls, no text.....nothing.

I sighed greatly before picking up my school bag and heading out my door and I met Juliana first who still hasn't understood the fact that I don't eat breakfast on a school day.

"Breakfast?" She asked and I had to restrict myself from rolling my eyes at her but I pretty much shrugged and grabbed my car keys before heading out of the house and driving to school pretty much blanked out and out of my mind.

If you'd ask me why?

I wasn't sure maybe I was pretty much missing Eric.

I arrived school pretty safe and I was still wondering how the hell that happened because I had blanked out through out the whole ride, still trying to fix excuses on why Eric hadn't called me yet, I was quite devastated.

Chelsea was still at the hospital and was going to be discharged in like two days time, so I was still pretty much Alone without a girl friend and I didn't bother hitting up on any of the guys because well.....you definitely know who I was thinking of.

I attended my first class and I was very much distracted because I kept checking my phone every two minutes.... Very accurate every two minutes for at least a 'hey babe' from Eric..... But there again was my wishful thinking.

By second class I had psyched myself enough to actually text Nathan to ask him if Eric came to school at all and the reply I got was pretty much enough reason for me to blank out throughout the third class.

Fourth class rolled by just like that, but this class was a little bit helpful because it involved mental activity and we were placed in a group of 3. I went with Tyler and reserved the last place for Chelsea, but Chelsea was not here now and since I was not in the right state of mind Tyler was forced to do all the work on the note that I'll do half of the assignment project, well I was really not in the right state of mind so I agreed.

It was lunch break already and Eric hadn't showed up at school and this wasn't one of those annoying times when Eric and I hated each other and he used to come extremely late to school with a beat up face. At least I know the reason for his beat up face but not for his lateness, the truth is I thought he changed but there was a saying like 'old habits die hard'

I sat with the guys as usual and trying to eat my food without thinking of Eric and still hoping Eric would come to school and sit by my side. The guys were engrossed in their conversation which I wasn't interested in because they always talk about weird stuff like tampon.....that stuff still cracks me up but not in this state since it was reminding me of Eric.

"I thought you weren't going to show up today at all" I heard Nathan say but I wasn't too bothered to find out who he was referring to, but it was that very weird moment I decided to choke on my orange juice and I started coughing uncontrollably. Kess who was beside me started patting my back whilst handing me a cup of water which I accepted gratefully.

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