27: Five seconds to be his girlfriend

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I had my face in my palms the whole time the boys were having a glaring contest with each other. No other words had been said between the both of them but it seems like they were waiting for me to say something. But what was I going to say?

I'm not the type of person to explain myself in awkward situations like when my ex boyfriend now my stepbrother walks into me and my......wait a moment. What is Eric to me? I know very well he's not just a friend, we've had a lot of emotional kisses that makes me melt internally but he hasn't officially asked me out yet so he wasn't my boyfriend. It was a bit confusing for me and I think I would've to ask Eric about that later. I really had to clarify it.

"What are you doing here?" Eric asked Tyler not taking his eyes off him for one moment.

"I live here" Tyler replied back, no shifting under Eric's gaze.

"What!" Eric's eyes widened a bit. "You live here? As what? Her Butler?"

"Hahaha very funny" Tyler rolled his eyes and his tone filled with sarcasm, I see someone has been learning a lot.

"As her stepbrother, you moron"

"Stepbrother?" Eric repeated in surprise but I saw relief wash over his face and he relaxed a little, almost smiling but he still had to keep that fierce attitude which looks a little bit too weird on him because Eric is always playful.

"Ohh stepbrother" Eric repeated again.

"So now tell me what you're doing here and how the hell you even got in here because I didn't see you come in through the main door" Tyler said.

"Um...about that...." Eric looked confused and kept glancing at me to say something and I really wanted to say something but nothing was forthcoming, so I just decided to dump everything on him.

"And what were you guys doing? You've got some explaining to do Cheryl"

"What! Why me?" I faked a shocked expression.

"Tyler I told you to call your sister and you're......" Juliana stopped when she entered my room, her eyes focusing on Eric. They all just decided to come into my room today, just because it wasn't locked.

"That's why?" I heard Tyler say, he must've heard her coming.

"Wait! Who are you?" Juliana was looking at Eric, and Eric was staring back at her his mouth slightly open like he was starstruck or something. I didn't know if he was scared to say something or he was just checking her out. I never understand Eric sometimes.

I knew I just had to say something.

"He's my....." I thought of something to say that went in line with more than a friend and not yet my boyfriend. I tell you it wasn't easy because they were all burning their gaze into me, I seriously have to ask Eric about this.

"Close friend" Eric completed for me when he finally stepped out of his zone.

"And how did you get in here because I didn't see you coming in"

"Wait! How is that important" this particular question was beginning to annoy me, why do they keep asking how he came into my room. If they didn't see him come in through the door then they should assume he fell from the sky.
Show some respect people!

"He's my freaking visitor for heaven's sake! Can you guys stop being curious as to how he's in my room and at least invite him for dinner" I yelled at them.

"Ohh" Juliana muttered glancing from me to Eric and plastering a smile on her face. "You're welcome to dinner then"

"Thank you" Eric gave his signature smile in a much more charming way and I just had to roll my eyes.

Don't Try To Make Me Smile!// [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now