34: Best friends!

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After Eric had driven away, I was bored out of my mind and I had nothing to do at home. Tyler was out, Juliana too and I was wondering what I was doing at home all by myself. Eric was usually the one who made my Saturdays lively and now he just had to leave on a boring Saturday like this.

After a while of contemplating on what to do, I decided to drive to the hospital to see Chelsea. I haven't spoken to her like all week and I don't think any of the boys would be there right now so I took a short trip to the grocery store to just get some stuffs for Chelsea, at least I knew some stuffs that she liked.

When I got there I met her alone.....thank God. She was playing a random game with her phone and eating some random stuff I guess. Her wrist was still bandaged but her color was coming back, she was looking much better and she was looking like the Chelsea I always knew, not moody and gloomy Chelsea. I swear that Chelsea is very annoying, I just hope that she's actually going to talk to me.

"What do you want?" She said suddenly without even looking up from her phone and I was really wondering if she had a third eye or something.

"Do you like....have a third eye or something" I just had to ask to be sure. Chelsea dropped her phone and turned to look at me with a raised brow.

"That joke wasn't funny Cheryl" she told me.

"That wasn't a joke, it was a question that requires a yes or no"

"Whatever" Chelsea waved it off. "But seriously what are you doing here?"

"I came to tell you that we've both been fired from work"

Chelsea had a surprised expression on her face as she put her phone off to listen to me.....that's progress right?

"Seriously? I get why I can be fired but why are you fired?"

"It was lonely there without you so I just stopped going too without any notice" I said being really sincere. Since Chelsea had been in the hospital, I had just stopped coming to work like totally because I knew there was no point in going without Chelsea, she was the reason I enjoyed working in the first place.

"Like really Chelsea, we need to talk about a lot of stuff. But firstly I need to apologize to you"

"For what?" She asked with her expression softening a little.

"You know.....Eric. I shouldn't have sort of encouraged you to ask him out"

"I really shouldn't be mad at you Cheryl about that, but that really hurt my feelings. Do you know how I felt when I saw you walk hand in hand in school that day. I was so badly hurt and I just went ahead to do this" she lifted her bandaged hand for me to see, her voice breaking a little.

"I really wanted to kill myself that day because I felt no one liked me. I could clearly see all my flaws and how stupid and dumb I could be. Like I'm so dumb I couldn't even commit suicide properly"

Some few tear drops began to trickle down her cheeks as she talked. It felt so sad seeing her cry like this, I had never seen her so vulnerable and some how my heart was breaking seeing her like this. She was my best friend and I could do nothing but sit there and I could do nothing but sit there and stare at her, just wishing her tears would disappear but at least I wanted to try making her smile.

"Gosh Chelsea you are not dumb.....okay maybe you are a little but it doesn't really mean anything you know. Do you know how envious I was of you because you could smile and laugh and I couldn't. Should I start listing the number of people who really like you. I like you a lot as my best friend, Eric likes you he was the first person to stand up when you passed out that day at lunch. Nathan and Kess were on full panic mode that day, Ken was so sad because he didn't know anything about you and how do you think we would have felt if you really died that day, I would never have forgiven myself. Do you think it's easy to find girls with pretty eyes like you"

"Stop" Chelsea said amidst tears "You're going to make me cry"

"But you're already crying" I reminded her in case she forgot.

"Can you at least pretend to be nice to me, like for once"

"I'll keep that in mind when you really make my life hell like you promised*

"Oh God! Cheryl" she groaned. "Don't remind me about that, I'm literally laughing at myself. So anyways fill me in on everything about you and Eric like right now, so start talking"

"Sure thing" I winked and I began telling her all the stuffs starting from the ring Eric gave me earlier and how I got locked up in a female toilet and also we talked about a whole lot of random stuff and I was really happy because Chelsea and I connected on a whole new level and I got my best friend back.

With no drama or screaming match.......

Oh jeez! This is like the shortest chapter I've written so far and it's not really the best.

It's just a filler chapter and I promise the next chapter would be way better than this.

The book is almost completed just five more chapters or more....

Thanks guys and keep reading.

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