That's not fair

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You got of work early and decided to surprise you boyfriend Derek by bringing him dinner. It was a little after eight. You used your key to unlock the front door. Once inside you placed the pizza on the dining room table and took of you jacket and kicked of your shoes.

You made your way up the stairs to Derek's bedroom but stopped at the door. Different voices were coming from inside, two of them to be exact. One of them was Derek and the other was Scott. In a foolish attempt to hear what was being said, you placed your ear against the door.

A foolish attempt in deed but once they started yelling it was much easier. It was more than loud voices t was also the subtle growling of newly turned Scott. You were a few years older than Scott and have been friends for years. It was the typical brother and sister relationship.

You were the one that helped him learn control so obviously the sound of him growling was nothing new. You grabbed the gun that was tapped underneath the table next to Derek's door and swung the door open.

Derek and Scott both turned to you and you froze as soon as your eyes met with Derek's. He is a werewolf.  How the hell did you miss this ? You looked at your boyfriend. Red eyes, pointy ears, hairy face, sharp teeth and claws. This was certainly not the first time you had seen a werewolf but this was different.

It was Derek.

Derek and Scott turned away from you and was looking at each other obviously getting ready for a fight. You loaded the gun and as expected, the sound immediately draw their attention. 

"Now put away the claws or we're going to see just how good my aim really is.." Your voice was stern and the gun was pointed directly at them both. Obviously you weren't gonna shoot them. In fact you didn't even know how but they didn't know that.

After both of them turned back to human you lowered the gun. Derek stepped closer to you and opened his mouth to speak but you shot him a frustrated stare telling him to shut up. And then you shared a look with Scott.

"What do you think your mom is gonna say when I tell her about how you were here making wolf eyes at Derek instead of studying." He was about to answer but you interrupted. "Scott McCall get your scrawny little werewolf ass home. NOW !" You pointed to the door. He glanced at Derek before leaving.

You turned to Derek. He looked lost. "Explain this to me Derek." You said trying to hide your frustration. You put the gun on his bed side table and then turned back to him, waiting for him to talk.

"Y/n I am so sorry for not telling you this it just tha-" You stepped closer, thus cutting him off before he could finish.

"Stop right there. I don't want a damn apology Derek. I want to know why the hell you decided it was a good idea to hide the fact that you are a werewolf from your girlfriend. Oh and don't you dare spinning me that 'I wanted to keep you safe' crap either. I want the truth."

You weren't mad per se, more confused really. To be totally honest you always had your suspicions about Derek being a werewolf but you always convinced yourself that it was all in your head. Now you knew that you were right but you wanted to know why he kept this from you for so long. You two have been dating for a month now and not once did Derek think that maybe he should mention this.

Derek looked at you for a second. He nervously ran his hand through his short dark hair.

"Derek?" You softly questioned the fact that he still hadn't said anything. His head snapped up and he walked towards you as he started speaking.

"Okay y/n you wanna know why I didn't tell you? Well here it goes. Y/n I love you, okay. I am fully aware of how stupid it sounds using that as an excuse but I love you. I love you so damn much that I struggle to breathe when you are not here. I was so scared that if you found out what I am that I would lose you. I couldn't lose you, I just love you way to much to lose you.."

You bit your lip looking at the ground and then back at him. This was the first time he told you that he loved you and as soon as those three words left his pink and perfect lips he had you wrapped around his finger.

"That is so not fair."  You say sweetly walking closer to him. His face showed confusion as he watched you. You smiled before answering. "How am I suppose to stay mad at you after you told me you loved me. Like fifty times." A slight smile danced on his lips.

You walked even closer to him placing your hands on his chest. "Derek Hale you could be the monster under my bed and I still wouldn't go anywhere. I would pull you out from under there every night and force you to cuddle with me." He chuckled at the image you had placed in his head. "My point is that I am not planning on going anywhere soon so you might as well get use to me. Because believe it or not I love you too wolf boy.  Forever and always." You removed your hands from his chest and snaked them around his neck placing your forehead against his.

He pulled you closer into his embrace folding his strong arms around you waist.  "Good.." He whispered.



𝐃𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐤 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now