Chapter 1: SURPRISE!

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A sharp, pain inducing scream, followed by a series of loud banging noises. I arose from my sleep on the comfortable and convenient couch.

"HOLY SHIT, THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING," yelled out a familiar voice.

"What the hell is going on?" I trudged into the room in my zombie-like state.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up, Jas?"

"No shit, Ross. Now what's all the yelling about?"

"I can't tell you until everyone else gets in here. It's just that important." 

Almost immediately, Arin, Suzy, Barry, and Danny popped their heads in through the door.

"Is everything alright, Ross?" Suzy asked in a quiet voice.

"Yeah, guys come on in. I have some exciting news for all of you."

"This better be good, I was in the middle of eating an AMAZING sandwich," Danny said, walking into the room with everyone else.

We all sat on the couch, impatient for what Ross had to say. Although, coming from Ross, we all had some doubts in our minds about this "exciting" news he had to tell us.
He strolled to the front of the room and confidently held out a piece of paper in front of him.

"Ross, you realize none of us can actually read what that says right?" I said staring at the small text. 

"Oh right, sorry. Okay guys, I know this might not be very interesting to you since all of you except Jasmine had a traumatizing experience with this..."

"Can you just fucking get on with it, Ross? I wanna eat my damn sandwich," Dan said next to me.

"It's World of Warcraft."

Oh no, I knew how much all of them despised the game. I had sat through hours of Guild Grumps footage, editing and watching everyone practically kill themselves over it. This was not going to end well.

A series of groans and moans came from everyone.

"Nope. I'm out," Dan proceeded to get up from the couch.

"Wait, Dan. It's a competition. And there's a prize. A big one, for the winner."

Dan cancelled his previous action and hesitantly sat back down.

"I'm listening."

"10 big ones. I'm talking money here. The good stuff."

"But Ross, none of us have the skills to win that money.." Suzy said hesitantly.

"That may be true, but you know what? We're gonna get in there and we're gonna do our best. Cause that's what we always do. Plus, I'm gonna get Holly to come with us, since she knows some stuff."

I didn't look around, but I could feel everyone rolling their eyes at Ross.

"Uh question. What do we do if none of us wins?" Arin asked, raising his hand.

"That's a good question, Arin. We're going to be good sports about it and continue on with our lives."

"But wouldn't that mean that the entire competition was a waste of our time?" Barry asked.

"Yes, but we would all have a fun time. Plus I'm going to force you all to go anyways, so you can't say anything to make me change my mind."

"Wait am I going too?" I looked up at Ross.

"Yes actually. I know you've had no experience playing the game, but the competition is an a week so that will give you some time to learn the basics."

Too bad I couldn't do that. I didn't have any time for that. I had to edit videos. Poor Barry can't do it all by himself. There was absolutely no way I was going to play that game. So I did what anyone else would in an awkward situation much like this one: nod and smile.

"Are we done here? My sandwich is probably all gross now because of you."

"Dan, it's only been like, five minutes."


We all couldn't help but giggle at Dan's silliness. It was one of the reasons I didn't quit this job once I got it. The Grumps needed a new editor for their videos, so I decided to take the job. I didn't think I would actually get the job, so I was surprised when I did. I've only had the job for about two weeks now, but I feel like I've known them all for years.

"Okay, we're done now. Dismissed."

Dan practically jumped off of the couch and sprinted out of the room. Man, he must've really wanted that sandwich.

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