Chapter 10: Just Do It

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~still Danny's POV~

"Is everything okay, Danny? Nothing horrible has happened in the last 12 hours has it?"

"No. How long does it take you to get food? You've been standing there looking in the fridge this whole time."

"Well, if you absolutely had to know, I just wanted a little snack. We don't seem to have anything of my interest though. Is that really what you had to talk to me about?" She raised an eyebrow in question.

"Haha very funny." I walked over to her. I grabbed her arm firmly, but not too tightly to let her know this was serious.

"Could we maybe go in the other room to discuss this?" I didn't feel comfortable out in the open like this.

She followed me into the other room. I wanted her to know that this was really serious. I hope she didn't think that I wanted to talk about what happened during the stream. I started to get very nervous, my palms were sweating.

We got there and I looked deep into her eyes, as if I was searching for something I would never find. I took a few deep breaths and then just said it.

"Okay well you've been at the office for some time now..."

"Yes?" She raised an eyebrow in question.

"And I just wanted to say.... you've been doing a really good job and you should keep up the good work! I don't know what we'd do without you!"
I wanted to punch myself in the face because I couldn't do it. Keep up the good work, really? What was I, a teacher for 5 year olds?

"Uhh thanks..."

"No problem, I'll see you around, Jasmine!"


Jasmine's POV:

What was that all about, I thought to myself. I thought for sure he was gonna say something about... well I guess not. It kind of made me a little upset since I thought for sure he had some feelings for me.

I walked back to my desk without saying a word to anyone. I just felt so confused about everything that was happening. I looked over and saw Danny with his back turned to me talking to Suzy, who was glancing at me occasionally. I had no idea what it was about, nor did I want to find out.

All I could really do was edit the few videos that I had left to finish. I didn't even try to pay attention to what Suzy and Danny were talking about.


Danny's POV:

"I-I couldn't do it, Suzy..." my voice trailed off and I lowered my head in shame.

"Aww you got a bit nervous, that's okay, I'm not mad at you. You just need to find a way where you can say something and be totally comfortable, even if it's not in person."

"That's a great idea! Why don't you just give me her number and I can text her when I feel ready to?"

"Okay if that works for you, Dan." She held her hand open and I placed my phone into it. Suddenly my heart started racing at the thought of what was to come.

"All done." I took my phone back and saw that she had typed a little heart symbol next to Jasmine's name, how sweet, although nothing was confirmed or denied just yet.

"Thanks, Suzy. Do you have any other last minute advice for me? I always take what you say to heart."

"Well, yeah just be yourself, Dan. I know it's cliché and overused but honestly it's what girls tend to like. If she sees something in you, she'll go for it."

"Yeah you're right, thanks again."

I turned around to take a look at Jasmine's desk and she seemed to be hard at work, as usual. I liked that about her since it meant we had something in common. We both wouldn't rest until we're satisfied with the product. I didn't want to disturb her, mostly because I would probably chicken out again, so I decided to wait until she got home so it wouldn't have to be in person. I hope that wouldn't affect her answer in any way.


Jasmine's POV:

I decided I would go home early today because my mind was not in the right place to really do any work right now. I didn't want to really make a scene out of it, so I just told everyone that something came up and I had to leave early. That totally was not suspicious at all!


When I got home I changed into some more comfortable clothes and decided to just watch a movie and relax. I didn't want to have to think about anything or anyone in particular. Unfortunately, all I really had to watch were romantic comedies which I was not in the mood for. I decided to watch it anyway, but when I put it in and the movie started, my mind was drifting to many different places. I didn't even notice that I had gotten several texts in that short amount of time. They were all from a number that wasn't saved in my phone.

"Hey Jasmine, it's Danny. I know I acted really weird today if you couldn't tell which I'm sure you could, but what I really wanted to say was that I know we haven't known each other long since you started working here not too long ago, but ireallylikeyouandiwantyoutogoonadatewithme."

He had sent more texts after that saying that it's okay if I said no and how he would still want to be friends with me and all. I couldn't stop smiling after I'd read the texts. He was such a dork, even over text. I came up with a quirky reply and hit send.


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