Chapter 32: She's Here!

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The references are not dated, they just fit in with when the story takes place, trust me, I did the research...(This is a reference to when Guild Grumps was uploaded in 2015, so it all makes sense, don't worry about it if you don't care) Enjoy! (Sorry it's been a while)

~A week later~

I had already moved in and was getting settled in just fine. Danny wanted me to stay in his room because there was still no guest room, even though technically I wasn't a guest anymore. I was more of a permanent guest. Either way, I had absolutely no complaints about staying in Danny's room with him. There was nothing to hide anymore since Barry knew now.

"I'm so glad you're finally here," Danny said, as we laid in his bed together, him with his arms around me.

"I can't believe you went through all of that trouble to get me to move in with you."

"Well it was worth it cause now I get to see you all day, everyday."

"I mean yeah, but we would normally see each other a lot regardless."

"Not really, I don't remember if I've mentioned to it to you before, but because of my fucking insane music life and such, I'm not able to hang out with everyone as much, except to record videos. That's why it was such a big deal when I showed up to the live stream. It really sucks and sometimes it can get really overwhelming."

"Wow, I didn't know that, I mean I knew you had a busy lifestyle and all, but I didn't think it was that bad..."

"Yeah. So I really do hope that you feel the same way about staying here as I do about having you here. Especially in my arms.." He leaned over and gently kissed my neck.

Suddenly, there was a gentle knock on the door and Barry walked in. We both quickly sat up to make it look as if nothing was happening or on the verge of happening.

"Sorry to disturb you lovebirds, but I just wanted to let you know that I made some lunch and I was wondering if you don't mind me asking, what the plans were for today?"

"We don't have to go into the office today, do we? I'm just feeling extra lazy for some reason..."

"No, after Arin and I finish recording a session together we don't have to go back the next day unless we have other important shit to do which I think I would know if we had."

"Well then that's settled, all of us can hang out today!" I happily suggested.

"What do you wanna do?" Barry asked.

"Yeah we'll let the lady decide today," Danny added.

"Well, I wanted to watch a movie today, but not here. It's been a while since I went to the movie theater. And I wanna see the new space movie that's out cause I'm a nerd."

"Oh, are you talking about The Martian? That movie looks great!" Barry said.

"Yeah, that's the one! I'm such a slut for space... Did I say that out loud?"

"You did, but I'm glad I know now!" Danny said.

"So it's settled, movies it is!" Barry said and ran out the door.

"Danny, you are okay with Barry coming along with us, right? Cause I don't want this to turn into something weird..."

"Yeah, totally! He's my friend too, well actually he was my friend first and longer, so I think I can be mature about this."

"Hmm, okay, I'll go ahead and believe you for now, I just wanna have a good time today. Now enough talk about this, let's go eat some food. I was thinking about it that whole time."


After we eat a fairly light lunch, we waited a few hours for the time we had chosen to go to the movies, and we all drove in one car to the movies. One we get inside, I choose to sit between Barry and Danny for several reasons. I didn't want any "funny business" going on, because I genuinely wanted to pay attention to this movie and to have a good time. Not that I wouldn't mind watching the movie with just Danny, but not when it was a movie that I absolutely wanted to watch and enjoy without being... distracted.

When the movie started, I was immediately intrigued. An astronaut's team leaves him behind on Mars after he's presumed dead after a horrible storm. Then he has to find a way to stay alive while scientists at NASA work to bring him home. I was fascinated, and I could tell that Danny and Barry were too. I knew that Danny was a fan of sci-fi, so he would definitely be enjoying this movie, minus all the aliens and space battles. It felt a little more realistic to me. Earth was gonna become a shitty place soon enough, so we'd have to resort to Mars anyways. I might've been a little too into the movie. After all, when I was younger I dreamt about what it was like to be in space and walk on the moon. I wanted to experience jumping on the moon and floating around in a spacesuit. I even had various space decorations in my room. Unfortunately, that dream didn't come true after I learned about the intense training that astronauts have to go through and after watching Apollo 13, I got terrified of the thought of being in a rocket.

I was also very impressed with Danny, seeing as he didn't try and pull anything tonight during the movie. The most he did was put his arm around the seat I was sitting in, a classic teenager move. It wasn't that I didn't think he would be able to do it.... Or maybe that is what I thought. I don't blame him though, I was even a little tense during the movie too.

After we finished the two-and-a-half hour long movie, it had gotten dark outside and we knew that we didn't have time to do anything else, so we decided to go home. After all, we didn't have much left in us anyways.

In the car on the way home we just discussed the movie and how much we enjoyed it. I believed that the science behind it was real which made it even better. I of course enjoyed it the most, but that wasn't much of a surprise after all.

Once we got home we ate a little, courtesy of Barry, and then relaxed on the couch for some time.

"Well, I'm off to bed guys. I have no idea why I've been going to bed so early now, but I've really been getting some good sleep lately." Barry said, getting up and heading to his room. "Try not to stay up too late," he added.

"Okay, Barry we won't. Goodnight," I said.

"Goodnight," Danny added from next to me.

Once he disappeared into his room and we could hear the door shut, Danny and I just talked about space and how big of nerds we were for a little while until I started getting drowsy.

"Hey, Danny are you tired? Oh wait I shouldn't even ask that considering you stay up writing music most of the time."

"Yeah, good thing you remembered. Are you tired?"

"Yeah a little, nothing too major though."

"Well we can go up to my room now if you want."

"You're coming too?"

"Yeah. I'm not going stay here by myself am I?"

"I guess not," and we headed to his room.

When we got to his room we passed Barry's room and we were certain he was asleep by how quiet it was in there, and there was some soft snoring. We quietly walked by and into Danny's room. Danny made sure to shut the door behind him.

"Are you sure you wanna sleep, Jasmine?" Danny asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you mea- Ohhhh. Well... I wouldn't say I'm that tired. But isn't Barry sleeping next door to us?"

"Yeah, but he's a heavy sleeper, he won't have to worry about us. We'll just have a little fun," he said, grabbing my arm gently.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

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