Chapter 7: A Short Break

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Arin's POV:

Dan hadn't been acting like himself lately. Jasmine hadn't showed up to the office for the past few days and everyone could tell he was starting to lose it. Ross and Barry were beginning to get suspicious of him, but couldn't seem to tell what was bothering him, so they didn't ask. It was terrible. We hadn't even filmed many episodes of Game Grumps because he just wasn't up to it. He spent most of the day with his headphones in, listening to what I assumed were his super sad jams.

Even Suzy was beginning to get concerned. She texted back and forth a little with Jasmine, but couldn't get much information on when she would be coming back. I had talked with her about what we should do to get him back on his feet again, but hadn't really come up with many options.

I peeked out of the door and saw that he was sitting on the couch, covered in blankets with his headphones in. His hair was a complete mess, worse than it usually was, and he looked like he hadn't showered in days. I couldn't stand to see him like this anymore. Ross and Barry tried to ignore it, but they knew something was up.

"Arin, what the fuck is wrong with Dan," Ross came up to me and asked.

"Look man, it's none of your business. He keeps a lot of stuff private, so just leave him alone."

"Well whatever it is, he needs to get over it immediately! Fans are going insane on Twitter, asking me why there hasn't been an episode in a few days." He spoke with a firm tone, but I was used to this because it's how he always spoke to us.

" that really all you care about, dude?! You don't care about the happiness of your friend, but you care about some of ignorant people on Tumblr?"

"Twitter," he corrected me.

"Whatever!!" I shoved him a little. He was a lot shorter than me after all.

"Look, I love our fans and all, but if he's not up to it, then what can we do? Suzy and I are trying to think of ways to help him."

"Let me talk to her, I think I have an idea," he said and stormed off to find Suzy.

I was terrified at what his "idea" was, but if it had even the slightest chance of making Dan feel better than I was all for it. I would do anything to see my best friend smile and laugh at my dick jokes again.

Jasmine's POV:

It had been a few days since I last went to the office. In fact, the last time I went was when Danny and I almost... nevermind. Suzy had been texting me asking where I was and when I'd be coming back. She didn't really say why, but I told her I'd be back soon. I told her I needed a little break because of stress and stuff. That wasn't even the truth. It was a complete lie, and I think she knew it too.

I looked on the Game Grumps YouTube channel and noticed that there hadn't been any new videos up in a few days. It was a little sad to see that. I wondered why no one had uploaded anything. I mean Barry was still there to edit for them, so it shouldn't have been much of a problem. Perhaps they didn't record anything new? It was a silly thing to think about, since Danny and Arin were constantly recording new episodes. Then a thought passed my mind that I didn't want to think about.

Was Danny okay after what happened? He did send me that text after all. It couldn't have meant anything significant, though. He probably just sent it so that my feelings didn't get hurt or something. By the way, I was starting to feel better about what happened. I was slowly forgiving Arin in my head for randomly showing up with no notice on that day.

The truth was, I was starting to miss seeing all of them, I even missed Ross and that was saying something. I desperately wanted to go back, just to see the office again and edit more videos.

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