Chapter 13: Keeping Secrets

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The next day at the office, Danny and I had to try our hardest not to act like anything had happened the night before. Everything was pretty normal, except I was pretty surprised that no one noticed how we would always give each other looks every few minutes. Sometimes I would catch him staring at me longingly. Other times I'd get a good look of him for myself as well. It seemed to me like no one thought of it any differently. Maybe it was because they were all busy doing their own things. I was supposed to be editing videos, but Danny was distracting me, in a good way of course. I was fine with that though, as long as no one found out about what was going on between us.

"Hey Jasmine, wanna be on an episode of Grumpcade?" Arin asked from somewhere in the room. I guess I spoke, or might I say, thought too soon.

"What's Grumpcade? Sorry I don't remember if you guys told me what that was already or not. I tend to forget you guys do things other than just Game Grumps."

"Oh it's just like Game Grumps but sometimes it can have 3 people and other times it will be people other than Dan and I. It's a lot of fun I think you should do it!" He came up behind me and said. I turned around to face him.

"Uhh you know from the live stream that I'm kinda camera shy though... Well actually everyone knows."

"You know we don't have a face cam though, silly! Come on, you'll be fine, if you can't say anything Dan and I will cover for you."

"Well I was supposed to be editing, but I wasn't really doing it anyways, so I guess I could do it. Who's picking the game?"

"Oh don't worry about that shit! We'll do something easy like Mario so you can be comfortable."

"Yeah trust us, we care about you!" Danny said all the way from the couch. I couldn't help but smile at that. Since Danny would be there too I thought, what the hell why not do it.

I rolled my eyes jokingly. I care about you guys too and I'm in, let's do this.

"YAY!" Arin grabbed me in what seemed to be a very strong hug and jumped up and down. I looked over at Danny and he looked a little jealous, but either way laughed at Arin's childlike personality.

I sat next to Danny in the middle of the couch, so it wouldn't look like I was trying to pick favorites or anything, also if Danny tried to get all cuddly with me I wouldn't be able to resist and I would just give in. Even though Arin and Suzy already knew, everyone else was there doing their own thing. Danny and I hadn't really spoken much to each other today, so I turned to him and he gave me a warm, loving smile while we waited for Arin to get everything set up. It looked like we would be playing Mario after all which was fine with me since it was one of the few games I was actually pretty good at.

"Okay all set!" Arin ran over to the couch and plopped down next to me on the right and gave me a huge, goofy smile.

"You okay buddy?" Danny asked him with a laugh, I had always admired how close they were as friends.

"Yeah I'm just SO fucking excited that my good friend Jasmine can join us and play video games today!"

"I'm excited too, Arin. Well, I'm also pretty nervous, hopefully I don't make a complete dumbass out of myself."

"No, it's fine, you'll do great!" He started recording and I lost track of what was happening already.

"Hello everybody!" Danny said enthusiastically at the camera.

"Welcome to ........." I couldn't hear the last part that Arin said.

"Oh and we have a very special guest here with us today, introduce yourself," Danny gently nudged my shoulder.

Our Little Secret: A Danny Sexbang Fanfic (DISCONTINUED) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant