Chapter 11: A Sweet Surprise

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Danny's POV:

The last thing I remember was hitting send and anxiously awaiting a reply. I had even mentioned that it would be okay if she said no, but in reality I didn't think I would be able to take the heartbreak. The text alert went off on my phone and I had just hoped that of if she rejected me, it would be in the nicest of ways.

"Iwouldlovetogoonadatewithyou" it read. I had to blink a few times to make sure I was reading it correctly, because to be honest I thought she would've said no.

"R-really?" I replied, I couldn't help but express how nervous and excited I was at the same time.

"Yeah! Spoiler alert: I like you too. Maybe not since the very beginning, but I did start to develop feelings because of the way you were acting towards me. It was very nice. Basically what I'm saying is that that night in the car.... something changed. PS your sleepy voice was very sexy."

Her reply gave me a euphoric feeling. I clutched my phone close to my chest, hoping to one day hold her this tight. Immediately I had an intense rush of courage and asked her if she was okay with the date being tonight. After she'd replied that she was fine with that, I realized that nothing was planned out and began to panic. I decided to call the one person I knew who could help me with such a dilemma.

"Hello," Suzy's voice rang through the speaker.

"Hey, Suzy! I have some good news and bad news for you. The good news is that I finally asked her out and she said yes! The bad news is, through my rush of courage the date is now set for tonight... I don't have anything planned and I want this to be perfect, can you please help me? I know I've asked for a ton of shit already but you've saved my ass."

"Dan, that's fucking amazing! I'm so proud of you! I would give you a hug right now if I was there in person! Also what do you have in mind? Dinner? A movie? I might have something in mind if you let me know what works for you."

"Yeah I was just thinking a simple dinner with some candles, I don't know if people still really do that you know, since I haven't been on a date in so long." I managed an awkward laugh after saying that. It's not that I didn't want to date anyone, no girl really amazed me in the way Jasmine did.

"Okay well, I'm assuming you don't have a reservation to some fancy restaurant that you'll have to spend hundreds of dollars on... Wait, Dan I have an idea, even though you might think I'm crazy. What about having your date at the office? Since Arin and I are the only ones that you've told about this we can stop by and help decorate it. It'll look magical."

"Well you were right about being crazy, but if you guys help me then maybe just maybe we could fucking pull this shit off! Yeah, let's do it!"

"Great, don't worry about getting everyone else out of the office, I have a plan for that as well. Just leave your house in about 30 minutes and Arin and I will meet you there."

"Alright, sounds good. Thank you so much Suzy I owe you hard now."

"Haha no problem, I'm just trying to help out a good friend."

After I hung up I texted Jasmine to tell her that I would be picking her up from her house for the date and she agreed to that and texted her address. I was beyond nervous for tonight and worked on picking out an outfit. I didn't really own anything super fancy or glamorous, but I would try my best to look as good as I could. I picked out a few outfits and hastily stuffed them into a bag. I figured I would just ask Arin to help me select the best one since he's better at this than I am.


When I finally arrived at the office Suzy and Arin were already cleaning the place up a bit.

"Dan!" Suzy approached me and finally gave me that hug she was talking about. "Why aren't you dressed?" She looked me up and down. "When is she gonna be here?"

"Dude, I'm so proud of you!" Arin said loudly from the corner of the room.

"Don't worry I'm going to pick her up soon, she doesn't know that it's here so it'll be a surprise, hopefully it's a damn good one."

"Oh, well what about your outfit?"

"Oh yeah about that... I brought some options that I thought were appropriate I just need you or Arin's help choosing which one is best."

I handed her the bag and she looked through everything.

"Jeez, Dan do you even own anything appropriate for this? I think you should go with the leather jacket. I think she seems to like that as well." She winked at me and I went with it.

"Yeah, Dan then maybe you'll get some mad puss tonight!" Arin shouted from the back of the room.

"Arin..." Suzy said in a disappointed voice.

"Alright, Dan can you help us clean up and set up everything? We just need to move this table here and put a white tablecloth on top of it along with some candles. Once she arrives, we can dim the lights a little. It'll give the place a more romantic ambiance."

"Cool, what about the food?"

"Oh don't worry about that Ar-"

"I'll be your chef tonight!" Arin shouted from the back of the room once again.

"Yeah, everything should turn out just right."


Jasmine's POV:

I can't even say how long I spent looking at myself in different outfits in the mirror. I pondered what Danny was gonna wear. I honestly didn't care if he wore anything at all, he would look great in everything and nothing. I didn't want to be too fancy, but I also didn't want to seem under dressed. I didn't even know where he was taking me, but I had to be prepared for anything.

I didn't have many options left, but I remembered that I still had to do my makeup and hair, so I had to choose quickly. I finally settled on a short, light blue dress, with some embroidering in the center of it. I had some time left to spare before Danny would arrive so I took that time to do my makeup and fix my hair. I did my hair in a simple French braid and did some light makeup otherwise I would've spent hours on it.


I hear a knock at the door which means Danny must be here. I check myself in the mirror one last time and eagerly answer the door. He stood there looking as handsome as ever in his leather jacket that I adored.

"You look..." we both seemed to say at the same time.

"Amazing." We finished our sentences.

He held out his arm for me and I put mine in his as he led me to his car. He opened the door for me and said "Ladies first." He honestly didn't even need to be treating me this nicely.

"So how are you this fine evening?" He started off the conversation on our way there.

"I'm fine kind sir, how are you?" I asked in a horrible British accent to play along.

"Hmm I'm okay... just kidding I'm amazing especially since there's such a beautiful girl sitting right next to me."

I couldn't help but smile.

"Why thank you, but you're the one who's stealing the show, I mean look at your leather jacket."

He laughed and then proceeded to turn on some old music from years ago, which I loved as well. We both sang along and in no time we were at our destination.

"We're here, my darling," he said.

"The Grump Space?" I was confused at why we were here and not some restaurant but I didn't want to question it.

He took my hand and walked me inside, once we got to the door he covered my eyes with his enormous hands and told me it was a surprise. Once we were finally inside he took his hands off and I could've sworn a single tear rolled down my face.

"I-it's perfect."

Our Little Secret: A Danny Sexbang Fanfic (DISCONTINUED) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα