Chapter 4: A Nice Nap

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Everything that happened after I got home last night was one big blur to me. I don't even remember getting home at all. Sure enough, I woke up in my bed as usual with thoughts from last night flooding into my head all at once. I had a massive headache, and today I was supposed to go to the Grump Space and work on editing more videos. I quickly changed and took some pain killers after eating a light breakfast. I didn't want to call in sick today. Mostly because I wanted to see if Danny was there as well. I ended up having really weird feelings around him that I didn't want to develop. Also because I wanted to get my work done and not be constantly distracted by being in love with one of my fucking bosses, not that I'm saying I was of course..

The drive there wasn't very long, and once I arrived I sat at my desk and immediately began working. The headache hadn't really gone away, it actually got worse. I wanted to get as much work done as possible before I couldn't work anymore. Danny and Arin were the only other people at the office besides me. They were getting set up to film some more videos today. Oh great, more work for me, I thought. It'll all be better once this massive headache was gone.

"Hey Jasmine!" They both exclaimed as I walked in.

"Hey guys," I said with a laugh.

"JINX!" They screamed at each other.

"Now you have to take me out for dinner," Arin said with a flip of his hair.

"You guys are so dumb," I said walking to my desk.
"Aaaand that's why I love you guys so much!"
I looked at the screen to see what they were about to play. It looked like Kirby or something.

They both sat on the couch, about to start filming. My headache started to really kick in. I couldn't take it, so I rushed to the bathroom to freshen myself up a little bit. I sat on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. They didn't seem to notice me or what I was doing which didn't really bother me at the moment. I took some deep breaths to calm myself down. This was going to be a long day...


Danny's POV:


"Yeah, what's up?"

"I think I like her."

He looked like he was thinking about something, then suddenly, it came to him.

I put my hand on his mouth to shut him up. I just nodded my head at him. He licked my hand and I took it off.

"Eww dude gross!"

"Sorry I had to...," I smiled and raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah man.... she's so great. I haven't even known her for that long or spoken much to her, but I just get these feelings.." 

"Just great?"

"Amazing, wonderful, fantastic. It was something about last night..."

"Wait, what happened last night?"

"Oh yeah, you were asleep. Well we just kinda had this intimate moment where she put her head on my shoulder and went to sleep. It was amazing."

"Wow I'm amazed. You haven't even talked to her that much and you already have a crush on her. I'm proud of you dude!"

Just then the sound of the bathroom door opening could be heard.


Jasmine's POV:

"Oh hey guys," I said coming out of the bathroom. I had spent a solid few minutes in there trying to lessen the headache that was happening.

Our Little Secret: A Danny Sexbang Fanfic (DISCONTINUED) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ