Chapter 26: Be My Teacher

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It was clear that he got the message and was very eager to go home. I had never silently agreed with someone more on anything.

"Aww, Jasmine, are you just saying that cause you're staying with us?" Barry asked.

"Well, yes, also because you're always the one who gets to cook and I'll admit that I do love your cooking, but I think it's time that I return the favor. My mom taught me how to cook when I was getting ready to go to college. I know that's really late compared to the majority of the population, but it proved to be very useful once I actually tried to learn and stopped fighting it."

"That's such a nice story, okay I'll allow it just this once. Unless it's super good which I'm not saying it won't be," Barry added.

"Mm, maybe you could cook for the rest of us if you know what I'm saying," Arin nudged me in the shoulder, winking.

"Oh definitely! Just not tonight since I'm fucking exhausted from filming. Props to you guys for doing that shit all the time and... I don't know, still being alive." I added a fake yawn that seemed pretty realistic, or at least it would to everyone else. 

"I don't know, I guess we've just become immune to it or some shit." Arin said. 

"Hmm, interesting, well as much as I'd love to stay and chat, I'm super fucking exhausted and wanna go home... well back to Barry and Danny's place." 

"Wait, you've been staying at their place?" Arin asked out of curiosity. 

"Yeah, my internet's been shitty lately and won't be fixed for another 4 days." 

"Oh okay, hope they've been keeping you good company." 

"They have, they're great friends." 

"Well, we should probably be heading home too, right Suzy? I'm pretty tired too." 

"Yep, we'll see you later, guys." Suzy said as they grabbed their things and headed out after giving everyone hugs, which seemed strange to me because we all saw each other pretty much every day. It's not like we were going away for a long time or anything. 

"I guess I'll hit the hay too, I got birds to take care of while Holly's away. I can't fucking wait for her to be back tomorrow."

Ross gave me a devilish look and walked out, leaving just Barry, Danny, and I. 

"Alright, so what do you guys wanna eat?" 

"Surprise us." Danny said with a wink. 

"Alright well, I'll see you guys at home then." I started to walk away until I realized they were both following me, so I assumed we were all leaving at the same time then. 

"Ahhh, home sweet home, but not really." I threw my things down and flung myself on the couch. 

"Well this is your home until your internet gets fixed, so make yourself comfortable," Barry said, heading upstairs. 

I let out a small laugh. "Where are you going, Barry?" 

"Oh I'm going to take a shower, I tend to do that after a long day at the office, believe me, after filming so many consecutive episodes, a nice shower can really take the stress away." 

"Oh okay, that sounds nice, I'll have to try that sometime." 

"Yup, you really should, and by the way, I'm expecting my food to be ready when I get out, missy." 

I raised one of my eyebrows at him. 

"Nah, I'm just messing with ya. Feel free to make it whenever, no rush, we're all friends here." He said before he disappeared upstairs. 

I grabbed my phone and decided to check social media after what felt like years. I had gained an enormous amount of followers, which was new to me. Granted, I was mostly getting messages about Danny and if we were a thing or not, but the ones that happened to not be about him were very kind for the most part. I heard the door open, and in stepped a familiar looking ball of hair. 

"I'm home, bitches," Danny said, putting down his things. 

"Congratulations. Barry's in the shower, by the way." 

"Oh yeah, he's taking one of his night showers, really helps take away the stress." He paused briefly. "So what is this lovely lady up to?" 

"Well if you must know, she's checking up on social media, reading all of the comments about this guy named Danny Avidan, do you know him?" 

"Not a clue, hope he doesn't mess with you though, cause you're all mine..." he said, walking to the couch and putting his arms around me. 

"That's sweet, oh! While Barry's in the shower, why don't we cook something?" I said getting up and going to the kitchen. 

"Yes ma'am, I can just imagine you in a sexy apron that says 'Kiss the Cook.'" 

"Well I don't have to wear that for you to kiss me, do I?" 

"Nope, you got me there. So what are we making?" 

"Hmm, I don't know, you said you wanted a surprise didn't you?" 

"Yeah even though nothing can surprise me as much as you do." He bent down a little and planted a kiss on my forehead. 

I smiled. Danny always had such a way with words, almost like poetry. It must've been all of that song writing that he was doing. 

"We better hurry, does pasta sound good? I'll eat any kind of pasta since it's like my favorite thing in the world." 

He pouted a little. 

"Second favorite." 

"Pasta sounds almost as great as you, I'll take it. Also you don't have to worry, Jaz, Barry takes a million years in the shower. I don't know what the fuck he does in there, but maybe that's why he's so calm al the time..." 

"Hmm, okay," I said, digging through the pantry. I went grocery shopping a couple of days ago and made sure to buy pasta just in case I got the opportunity to make some. "By the way, you should probably tie your hair back, just in case. Don't worry, I have an extra hair bow." 

"Oh thanks, can you do it for me?" 

"Okay, but you'll have to help me out here, since I'm not a giant like you." 

He bent down and I pulled his hair back. It felt so soft and it seemed like he put a lot of time into it. I wondered if he enjoyed having his hair pulled...

"Stir the pot, it'll be done soon," I told Danny, who had been helping out little by little. 

"I can't, I don't have that magic touch that you do.." 

I sighed, he was lucky that he was so damn attractive. I walked up behind him and put my arms around his, or at least attempted to. I rested my hands on his and "helped" him to stir the pot of pasta noodles. I had to stand on my tiptoes to see, but it was worth it because this was the kind of moment I was going to remember for a while. 

I let go of him because I had a suspicion that Barry would be coming down soon, I just had a feeling because of... past moments with Danny. I started to get some plates out. 

"Mmm, that smells good, Jasmine. Can't wait to try it!" Barry said in a loud voice, coming down the stairs. 

I was getting good at this. 

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