Chapter 24: They Love You!

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A/N: Honestly in my opinion this isn't one of my best chapters because it seems like I'm just BS'ing the heckkk out of it, but maybe you guys will feel differently and I hope so! I still hope you guys enjoy it even though I don't feel as confident about it as I do with other chapters.

"W-wait, what have they been saying about me?"

"They think you're really funny and you and Dan get along so well together!" She said cheerily. 

"Oh, well I'm up for it as long as you guys think that it's okay."

"Of course we do," Danny came up to me and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"You're apart of the Grump family now, there's no need to ask about these kinda things anymore. This place will start to feel like your second home." Arin reassured me.

"It already does, so when are we gonna play some fucking video games?"

"That's the kind of attitude I've been waiting for!" Arin said, gently grabbing my arm and leading me to the Grump couch where the "magic" happened and videos were filmed. Danny joined us as well.

"By the way, where are Ross and Barry?" I asked Arin out of curiosity, even though I cared more so about where Barry was than Ross, but nonetheless I wanted to seem like a good 'friend.'

"Oh they're in another room trying to plan out what to do for another Steam Train episode."

"What's Steam Train? I feel like you guys have told me before, but I tend to forget small things like that."

"It's just another show that we do, like Grumpcade, for instance, but instead we play computer games. It used to be just Dan and Ross's show, but Dan got busy with other things and decided not to do it anymore."

"Yeah sometimes I wish I could come back, but Ninjasexparty has taken over my life, and that's on top of this too."

"Yeah but we've all heard how fucking good your music sounds so it makes up for it. So, occasionally we'll all make appearances on it too. Maybe one day you'll be on it too, based on how the Lovelies like you. It even took them a while to warm up to Dan when he first joined the show."

"When Danny first joined the- oh wait, you mentioned that when we had dinner, how there was someone before you. I think his name was Jon or something like that?"

"That's it. I kinda took over his place, and it took a while for our fans to 'warm up to me' I guess. I'm super fucking stoked that they love you though, that's all that matters and it makes my job a whole lot easier."

I had no idea what he meant by that, and I just wanted to play some video games at this point.

"Hell yeah dude!" Arin said, and they high fived each other over my head. I liked to sit in between them, because I didn't want to make it seem like I had a special preference or anything, even though I had absolutely nothing to hide from Arin. In fact, I'd probably be telling him and Suzy everything that would be going on in Danny and I's lives.

"So what are we gonna be playing today, guys? There's a range of possibilities!" I had no idea why I was suddenly so enthusiastic.

"Wow, GREAT ENTHUSIASM, JASMINE! Honestly today I think you should pick the game, since you're not really a guest anymore."

"I mean okay.. I was thinking maybe Mario or something cause that's kinda rage inducing and I LOVE seeing Arin get pissed."

Danny and Arin both gave each other a very specific type of look before simultaneously saying: "Mario Maker...?"

Arin looked like he was having some sort of war flashbacks.

"Have you guys played that game before? I've heard so many things about it. Rage-inducing things to be exact."

"We have, but we decided to quit it for a little while even though it was definitely our most popular series by far. The views were ridiculous."

"Oh, I mean if you guys wanna be pussies and not play it that's fine too, there's always every other game you have.." I said sarcastically to try and get a response out of Arin.

"NOW HOLD ON A SECOND..." Arin didn't finish his comeback. Instead he sighed and just picked up a controller. 

I of course, wasn't going to play, most because I just really wanted to watch this all go down. After the previous Sonic experience, I was intrigued with Arin's ways of raging. He was quite an interesting character indeed, but I was stoked that he was my friend. Sometimes I was even envious of the relationship that him and Danny had. 

"Welcome back to I wanna fucking die... I mean Game Grumps, except we have Jasmine here again, so technically it's not just the two of us-"

"WE'RE BACK AGAIN WITH MARIO MAKER!" Danny yelled into the microphone.

"That is correct, Dan. It was suggested by our lovely friend, Jasmine who is in fact here with us today, which I was trying to say before Dan cut me off."

"I didn't suggest the game, but now that you're playing it, I'm very interested in seeing where it goes. Oh, and sup bitches, I'm back. As per your requests though." 

"We've taught her well," Danny said, meanwhile Arin agreed with him by giving him a subtle head nod.

"Well now that we've gotten through that long ass introduction," Arin began. "IT'S TIME TO PLAY MY FAVORITE GAME OF ALL TIME!"

"Should we play more of Ross's levels?" 


Danny stifled a cute laugh before speaking again, "Well then are we playing fan-made levels? Why don't we get our friend Jasmine over here to play one?" 

"Yeah, Jasmine, since you're so good at games and everything you should totally play wonderfully made game." 

I started to refuse, but Arin was already handing over the Wii U controller to me. 

"I've already got a special level in mind too, it'll be one of the levels our dear friend Ross O' Donovan has made." 

"Wait I thought you said we weren't playing Ross's levels." 

"No, Dan. I said I wasn't going to be playing them because I want to live to be at least 40 you know?" 

"Yeah I feel that. I can't believe I'm almost there..." 

"WHAT THE FUCK! I HIT THE JUMP BUTTON!" I said as I fell into the same lava pit for what felt like the millionth time.

Arin had been laughing at my numerous failures attempting to beat the SAME level, while Danny tried to help me. I knew Arin wasn't a sadist like Ross, so I wasn't mad at him. This was kinda fun actually, but in a twisted way. 

"See? I told you it wasn't easy. This isn't classic Mario we're talking about. It's motherfucking Mario Maker," Arin said. 

I sighed. "I have a newfound respect for you now. I don't know how you could do this for however many episodes you have. Now PLEASE take the controller back." 

"Next time on Game Grumps!" 

"Wait what, that wasn't part of the deal!" I tried to argue.

"Jasmine you've been playing for almost twenty minutes. I've been looking at our giant timer."

"There's a timer? Oh my god I never noticed that! Well shit okay..." 

We finished the episode and I felt pretty happy about my day. That episode alone made me realize why Danny and Arin did this for a living. Maybe I could get used to this... 

"Alright. Only six more episodes to go! But more importantly, I gotta take a HUGE shit!" Arin shouted as he headed to the bathroom, leaving Danny and I alone on the couch. 

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