Chapter 19: Roller Rink Fail

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I wanted him to think I wasn't completely pissed with him, even though I suspected he probably knew, so I just asked him what place he had in mind.

"Oh I don't know, I was maybe thinking somewhere fun like the roller rink that's close by. We always do the same things all the time, it would be great to change it up for once. I could even invite Holly and maybe Mark."

"Sounds good to me," Danny said.

"I mean I need to take my mind off this fucking game so I'm in."

"Okay, I'll call Holly and Mark and then we can all leave."

He walked out of the room, once again leaving me with Danny and Arin.

"Guys can I say something kind of embarrassing?"

"Sure what's up? I'm sure it's not that bad." Danny said reassuringly.

"I can't roller skate to save my life." I lowered my head in shame. Suddenly, I felt a wet sensation as Arin put his sweaty hand on my back, I assumed it was sweaty from playing the game and raging.

"Look Jasmine, you could've said said literally anything and it would've been more embarrassing than that."

"I know, but I just wanted you to know that so you would know that I'm not as perfect as I look," I said in the most sarcastic tone I could produce.

I could hear Danny's laughter from behind Arin. He was slumped back into the couch, so I couldn't see him. I found it really cute, actually. My mind drifted to him doing the same exact thing during a long playthrough session with Arin.

"Look, I just don't need anyone to be surprised when I fall over... which I will end up doing many times."

"You're a part of the Grump family now, we all laugh at each other, some more than others, so it's bound to happen." Arin assured me.

"That's good to know..."


Almost everyone drove separately to the roller rink, I drove by myself, just to give me some time to really think about things. Were Ross and I always gonna argue with each other? Was I always going to dislike being around him? I wasn't going to say he was a bad guy, but he necessarily wasn't a "good" guy either. If this was going to be the case, then work was going to become a whole lot more difficult for me, more than it already was. I already had to hide an entire relationship from pretty much everyone except Suzy and Arin.

I arrived after everyone else did, partially because I didn't know where the place was, I was surprised that I didn't think to check it out when I moved to LA. When I got inside, I found out that Danny had already paid for me. As sweet as that may have been, I didn't like people paying for me and me not paying them back so I had to remember to slip the money into his pocket somehow.

Luckily I wasn't too late to the party, everyone else was off to the side, putting on their skates, including Mark and Holly. I awkwardly approached them, sat down and began to put on my skates as well. Most of them had already began skating, but Danny realized I arrived and stayed back to wait for me.

"Hey, you okay, Jaz? You don't look too happy to be here."

"Oh um... I'm fine. I guess I was just overthinking what happened with Ross."

He scooted closer to me and had a sort of serious look on his face. It was actually kind of intimidating for me since I was used to his outgoing personality.

"One thing you're going to learn here, because you haven't been here long enough, is that nothing that any of us say, especially Ross, should get to you. Don't take that shit personally, cause it's not worth it, nothing really is. I like you too much to see you like this. You're my favorite gal. Now let's get up have some fun!"

I shuddered at the use of the word 'like.' I knew he cared more about me than to just say that. Deep down it bothered me for some strange reason.

"Okay... Thank you for that. I guess that's all I really needed. I'll try not to think about it too much, since I tend to overthink petty shit so much. It's a weakness of mine that I'll have to learn to work on, especially now that I've gotten to know you guys and how you don't take shit from anyone. It's amazing to me because the comments are terrible."

"Exactly. You'll get better at it, I have total faith in you. Now let's get going, they probably think we're making out or something."

I tried to stand up, but I couldn't keep my balance and almost fell until Danny caught me and helped me up.

"Wow, you weren't kidding when you said you couldn't skate. Which reminds me, this is a great place to film a Ninjasexparty video." He must've been talking about the future.

"I told you I wasn't lying. I haven't even gone anywhere and I almost fell. Don't laugh at me I could actually die."

My legs were shaking as I awkwardly gripped the rail. I watched the rest of the group skating together, looking like they were having the time of their lives, which I'm sure they were. Suzy made eye contact with me from a distance and I could almost immediately tell that she felt sorry for me, because her eyes said everything. Arin, who was skating next to her, stopped and noticed my pain as well. I desperately wanted to stop, give up, and just sit down until I noticed everyone skating towards me.

There was a strong grip on my left arm, and I turned to look and saw that it was Arin. Suzy was next to him and the rest of the gang followed closely behind.

"I'm gonna help you keep your balance, now there's no way you could 'possibly' fuck this up."

"Okay, thanks a bunch, Arin I owe ya one."

"Mmhm that's what they all say."

I turned around and spotted Danny who was following close behind, and talking to both Mark and Barry. Skating seemed to be a breeze to him, and he looked like a god doing it as well. I looked around some more and spotted Holly and Ross, who were off on their own skating together, although I'm sure they had just witnessed the events that went down.

My legs were still shaking a little and I hooked my arm through Arin's to try and get more balance from there. I really didn't want him to have to do this the whole time, mainly because I wanted to skate beside Danny. I turned around again and he seemed like he was having fun, and I didn't wanna bother him.

"You wanna skate with Dan, don't you?" Arin asked, giving me a certain look that I think we both knew what he was trying to say.

"Yeah... I just don't want to prevent you and Suzy from having a good time because of me. I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing? We're friends and it's 'totally' fine. Plus, Suzy's having fun hanging out with Barry and them. Don't worry about her. I'm sure they'll do a couples skate and then you can slide in if you know what I mean," he said with a wink at the end.

"Yeah I gotcha. Thanks for being a good friend. It makes me even happier to be working here except for the fact that Ross and I don't get along..." my voice trailed off.

"He can be like that, but I'm sure you two will make up somehow. Just focus on where you are now and forget about that shit."

"Danny told me the same thing, and I told him the same answer. It's a problem of mine to never let go of the little things and I'm surprised it hasn't killed me yet. Also it's so weird to hear you giving advice like this and not telling dick jokes or something."

"Look.... I didn't wanna be a dick okay?"


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