Chapter 30: Being Dramatic

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"Oh my fucking god, Dan, how could I not see it?"

"Surprise..." I said in response to his anger and confusion.

"Why did you keep it a secret? We're all friends here, it would've been nice to know."

"I don't know, she wanted to keep things secret, so I just went with it, but I didn't know this was gonna fucking happen."

"Well, I'm glad I know now, but my answer isn't changing. No means no."

"Are you fucking serious, dude?! Even after all of that?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty consistent."

"Fuck you," I said and walked away to start recording with Arin, which probably wasn't gonna end up going too well. I even thought about what I had said, but it was already too late since it just happened.

I didn't talk to Barry for the rest of the day. It didn't seem as if he was mad at me or anything, but I was pissed. I wasn't even the type of person to hold grudges or even get mad at people or things in the first place, but this just hit me somewhere inside. I spent the rest of the day recording with Arin, but I knew that he could tell that something was off, but we just kept rolling with the videos. Once we finished a few, he turned to me and gave me a look that I knew what was coming next.

"Dude, I know there's something wrong. You're upset and I know it so just tell me."

"It doesn't matter, it's not gonna be fixed anyways. Barry can go fuck himself."

"Whoa, dude, what did Barry do? You guys were just friends like two minutes ago."

"Look... I just... Jasmine left today since her internet is fixed now and I just loved it so fucking much when she was at our place that I wanted her to you know... move in with us."

"Damn dude! You could get that sweet puss 24/7 then!"

I sighed and smiled. No matter how much of a mood I could be in, Arin could say LITERALLY ANYTHING that would cheer me up instantly.

"Yeah, but I asked him you know, just to make sure it was okay and he FUCKING SAID NO! Like i thought he was cool with her and everything."

"Well did you talk to him and find out why he said no? Also is Jasmine okay with this too?"

"No... and also I don't know.. she seemed like she was having a good time with us."

"Well yeah I would assume that too, but I don't know if that means she's ready to move in. That's a huge step!"

"I know... God, what am I becoming? I'm so dramatic."

Suddenly, my phone started vibrating in my pocket and I checked to see that it was her, the only person I wanted to talk to right now... besides Arin of course, who was being a great friend like always.

"Hey dude, I gotta take this," I told him before picking up.

"Yeah that's cool, I'm not here," he mouthed back.

"Hey," I answered and got up from the couch and started pacing around the room.

"Hey, Danny." Man, I loved hearing her voice, which sounds kind of dramatic since the last time I talked to her was a few hours ago. "I'm home and I actually love it. Like, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kinda missed it? I don't know, in a weird way I guess."

"Aww, well I'm glad you're safe and happy. Is the whole internet problem solved?"

"Yeah it's great now! The lady that came to fix it was actually pretty cool. Her name was Vicky and we had a great talk! And I thought about some things... Danny, I'd love to move in with you."

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