Chapter 16: Sneaking Out

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A/N: Hey guys this chapter's going to be kinda long compared to the other ones to make up for the fact that I was kinda busy to update earlier!
As always, enjoy!

"Good morning, beautiful. How do you feel about going on that date today? It's a wonderful day outside! Why don't we ditch those fucking losers and just bail? (I was kidding about the losers part of course because they're our friends, but you know what I mean, why am I even typing this) Anyway can't wait to see you <3"

"Sure, I'd be down for a date today! I don't know what bullshit excuse we'll be using this time, but hey if it works, then who's complaining? Can't wait to see you too <3"

I got ready as usual and headed to the office. At first, I thought it was surprisingly empty, but slowly everyone started to show up, one by one, including Danny. I pulled him aside while no one was really paying attention, as if they were always paying attention in general.

"Hey where do you think we should go for the date? The weather seems beautiful so I was thinking a lovely stroll outside, maybe near some water. You can totally disagree with me of course, but I just think that's a good idea."

"A walk by some water sounds very lovely, just like you. Although now might be a good time to let you know of my intense fear of the ocean and sharks. I'm not going in any water, that's all I'm saying."

"Aww I didn't plan on us going in any water, but thanks for sharing that with me." I gave him a hug and he pulled me in closer than I expected and I could feel his warmth. For a moment I felt protected, safe from all harm in the world.

"You guys are cute," Suzy said, walking by us.

We let go of each other and the color rushed to Danny's face.

"Hey, Suzy I need your help with something, well we both do."

"Yeah, Jasmine what's up? Is everything okay between you guys?"  I lowered my voice even though it was obvious to me that no one else was listening, but I had to be sure because Ross could be very unpredictable sometimes. Danny was standing next to me, listening intently.

"Of course, everything's fine. We just wanted to... go out today.... and you know.. that's fucking difficult for us to do. If you catch my drift."

"Oh I understand. You want me to cover for you is that it? I can pull it off of course, but I'm not sure what I would say to them..."

"Well we're planning on going to like the pier or beach or something like that. Just tell them if they ask that is, that Danny is showing me around. We'll try to be back before everyone leaves, but if that doesn't happen then I completely trust that you will have everything under control."

"Yeah, Suzy you're the best and we can't thank you enough for everything that you've done, not only for us, but even for the Grumps too." Danny spoke softly.

"No problem guys, but you owe me, not even Arin just me. Now get on out of here." She gave us a little wink and went off on her way.

Danny and I quietly snuck out the door, even though it was kind of early in the morning so no one would really be paying attention to us since we were all usually very tired in the mornings, but still enjoyed coming into the office to get our work done and film.

I breathed a huge sigh of relief because Suzy was literally a miracle worker.

"Suzy is so great. I mean, not as great as you of course." I smiled at Danny as we walked towards his car.

"You got that right." He grabbed my waist and pulled me very close to him. Our sides were already touching and I started to sweat. I don't know why I did it, but it was a habit even though we were already dating so it made no sense to me. I guess all of this still seemed so surreal to me.

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