Chapter 15: YouTube Comments

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Mark had stayed at the office for a few hours, which was much longer than I thought he would, but then again they were recording a lot of videos at once and having fun it sounded like. Meanwhile, I stayed at my desk continuing to edit more videos after finishing the Grumpcade episode. YouTube said it would take a little while to finish uploading, so I continuously checked it to see how much time was left until it finally uploaded.

"Aww Mark do you really have to go?" I heard Barry say from the other room.

"Yeah, unfortunately. You guys know I'll be back real fucking soon though, so it's all good."

"Bye, Mark!" They all seemed to say in unison.

He walked out of the room and spotted me at my desk.

"Bye, Jasmine! Hopefully we can play game together some time! You seem nice even though we've barely spoken to each other."

"Bye, Mark. Yeah I'm down for that, it sounds fun. You seem like a cool guy as well. I'll have to remember to check out your videos sometime."
With that, he left.

"Oh, the new video's up!" Ross said excitedly from the other room.

I finally decided to get up from my desk to go join everyone else.

"Yeah you should thank me, dickhead. I mean granted, I was in the video too so that might've had a hand in me getting it out so quickly."

"I'm proud of you, Jasmine. From what I can see you're becoming a really good editor, just like me." Barry said with a wink. I really needed to talk to him more often, he was a good guy, much better than Ross would ever be.

"Whoa these comments are insane! I rarely ever check the comments, but I thought I would since you were in the episode of course. Well, maybe I wanted to see what people had to say about you, but this is gold!" Ross said while on his phone, scrolling through the comments on the video. There couldn't have been that many, could there? After all, I'd just uploaded the video not too long ago.

"W-what are people saying? Do they hate me? I mean I don't really care... maybe a little."

"No that's not it at all! They seem to really like you and Dan's 'chemistry.' Whatever that means. You should take a look for yourself."

He handed me his phone and I scrolled and immediately saw what he was talking about.

'Jasmine and Dan are great together, we need more of her now!'

'Are Jasmine and Dan not telling us something??'

'They sound so cute together! I totally ship it! What would their ship name be though?'

'I bet they had a threesome after this was filmed.'

I chose to ignore that last comment, but stopped scrolling since they were all variations of the same thing.

"Wow people are crazy..." I handed Ross back his phone.

I looked around to Suzy and Arin to see if they could cover for me since they were the only ones who knew what was up.

"Don't worry about it, Jasmine. Fans are always gonna be like this no matter what. You just gotta give it some time and it'll pass." Suzy winked at me and I smiled back at her. I'm glad she seemed to have my back.

"Yeah I mean, I just started working here not too long ago. I still have yet to get to know you guys pretty well." Although this was true, after the date I went on with Danny, I got to know him pretty well. We had some interesting conversations and everything just... fell into place.

"People ship Dan and I all the time and we have no problem with it so you should feel the same." Arin reassured me. Everyone had spoken but Danny, who was listening to everyone, but not saying a word.

"That's true... What even was our ship name, if that's what they call it?" Danny finally spoke.

"Oh it's Egobang. Don't ask how I know that. It's not like I read fanfiction written about us being together in my spare time. Pshhh..." Once Arin realized what he was saying, he abruptly stopped talking.

"Is anyone else getting tired? Oh boy, I sure am." Barry suddenly spoke up from the corner of the couch in a soft spoken voice.

"Yeah, come to think of it I am too." Arin tried to manage a fake yawn and leaned on Suzy's shoulder.

"Well I guess we should head out then," I yawned and stretched.

Everyone slowly rose up from the couch, as if they were zombies and we all silently said goodbye and goodnight to each other. I stayed a little behind in the room so that I could at least talk to Danny a little and he almost went out the door when he realized I wasn't there.

"That was a close one," I said standing in an awkward position while he came up to me and stood very close to me.

"Yeah it was. Hey, don't listen to anything Ross tries to say to you, unless it's actually important which most of the time it's fucking not. I choose to ignore that shit. I know you're probably smart enough to know that already, but I noticed how embarrassed you looked when he made you scroll through YouTube comments."

"Yeah I've known for a while not to listen to that mortherfucker. He can be very crazy."

"Aren't we all?"

"Yeah, but I like your kinda crazy."

"I fucking love yours too. Which reminds me, we should probably ditch those losers and go on another date sometime."

"I couldn't agree more." I stood up on my tiptoes to try and kiss his cheek again, but this time he bent down a little and said, "Let me help you out."

We said goodnight to each other and that was that. Those five whole minutes I spent talking to him were better than my entire day. I really, really wanted to be able to spend every second with him, but with our situation it just didn't seem possible.


I drove home in silence, thinking about Danny and how in the hell did he like me? Like seriously, him being the sweetest human being ever and me being... whatever I was, it just didn't make sense.

When I got home I laid in bed wide awake, not being able to sleep for many reasons. I checked my phone and read through more comments on the video and on social media. I was being bombarded with questions about if Danny and I were dating or not, but I didn't answer any of them of course. This was normal for the rest of them, so I couldn't act like it bothered me even though it really did. I guess it was just cause I wasn't used to it, it was something new to me, but it's what I'd signed myself up for when I decided to take this job. Not that I didn't like the job of course, it's made me have the most fun I've had in a 'long' time. I had gotten a text from Danny just then that I was very eager to read.

"I don't know if you're still awake or not, but if you are, goodnight. I already miss you and I wish you were here in my arms. Which is weird for me to say because we've only been on one date, but trust me I mean it <3"

I smiled at not only the message itself, but also the fact that he used a heart emoticon at the end of it.

"Haha, I am awake and goodnight to you as well. I miss you too and we'll go on that date real soon. Even if it's tomorrow, which there's a good chance that it will be. I hope you can wait till then. <3"

I sent him a heart back because I wanted to seem cute, I mean it was weird cause that wasn't how I normally acted, but it just felt right. After I sent the texts I decided to check out Danny's band which he told me on our first date was called Ninjasexparty. Truly, a masterpiece of a name. He also told me he has a character called 'Danny Sexbang' who's a Jewish superhero who sings about sex and boners with his partner 'Ninja Brian', who he said he would introduce me to one day. I listened to a few songs and Danny's voice was golden. I watched the videos too but then I was starting to get really tired so I had to put my phone down. The last thing I remember before fully falling asleep was the melodic sound of his voice...

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